Chapter 4: Spewed Lies -

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A/N: So this chapter is not really a chapter of the story line, per say, but this is what's going on in Wally's head, as his eyes are shadowed and while he's unconscious. It's sad and nightmarish, as a heads up warning. I promise I'll do the rest of the Team's side, when they find him next... Stay tuned, and please, don't let this be you.

Wally blinked and got to his feet. All around him was pitch black darkness. He called out, "Robin! Artemis!", but the way he sounded, kinda echoey, made him realize where he was. He was trapped in his own mind, and there wasn't a way for him to return to consciousness. Looking down, he saw a trail of blood under his feet. The blood came from his legs, and the pain was excruciating, but for some reason, he couldn't scream. His voice felt muffled and full of cotton. Fear coming into his eyes, he looked at his hands, and saw his fingernails caked with dark brown dried blood. His arms had scars that were covered in words. Terrifying words that made him quiver with the acknowledgement that he knew where they were from. Words that said 'screw up', 'stupid', and 'worthless'. Seeing the words, Wally fell to his knees, and cried. Even as he did, though, pain rose up from inside his chest. There wasn't any end to the suffering. 

Seeing something in the dark, Wally looked up, and saw a yellow light towards him. The yellow light became Robin, as he neared. Wally called out, "Hey Rob! Rob!", but as the Bird drew closer, the ginger saw that his best friend was wearing a scowl across his face. Robin uttered, "I can't even believe you would do this to yourself. You're such an idiot and a disgrace to the Team. I don't even want to be near you." "Robin, I didn't do this to myself... My dad... he's hurting me!", Wally cried out. "What a pathetic excuse, Kid Mouth!", Robin remarked sharply. "B-but Rob! You have to believe me! Please!", Wally called out, but even still, the younger Bird walked away, completely ignoring him, and the light faded to darkness once more. Wally felt hurt so much. Why hadn't Robin reacted like a friend? What had changed?

Seeing this time two lights, one a dark blue and one black, Wally watched as they drew near, to reveal both M'gann and Conner. Conner wore his scowl, and M'gann...she just looked terrified. She pointed to Wally's arm, and asked Conner, "What happened to him?" The clone responded coldly, "Oh, that piece of trash? He's an it. A nobody. It doesn't deserve to even exist." Wally yelled, "Conner, M'gann, please tell me what's going on!" Conner turned to him, and snapped, "What's going on, is that you don't deserve to be on the Team in the first place! You're a pig and a flirt. You got us discovered, first chance you got. You don't belong here." Without another word, the two lights left, and Wally broke down. He hated this mental cage he was stuck in. 

The next time, a few minutes later, Wally saw three lights heading his way: two red and one orange. By the time they reached him, the ginger saw they were Barry, Roy, and Kaldur. Wally yelped, "Oh, thank the Speedforce, Uncle Barry! You're here!"  Barry never spoke. Kaldur looked at Roy, and shrugged his shoulders. He said, "Who even is that? He is such a dingy sight for my eyes. I would not want him on the Team. He could get us all killed." Roy nodded, and added, "Of course, Kaldur. You know what I want to do? I want to kick that guy's rear end out of town. He doesn't have anything." Wally started to feel tears brimming on his eyes. He whispered, "Uncle Barry, please... explain to them. You know who I am." Instead of replying with a soft smile, Barry's face was sad and long. He asked, "Kid? Why didn't you tell me what was going on? You know I wouldn't have let you join me, if I knew what a weak link you are. You aren't strong. You aren't capable. And you aren't my nephew... Heck, you aren't even my family. Your last name is West, not Allen. Only an Allen can be a true Flash. What a disappointment." With a burst of  energy, Barry ran off, leaving Roy and Kaldur. "Guys?", Wally asked, his voice shaky. Without a second conversation, they too, left Wally. He was all alone.

Wally sat in the darkness for awhile, his voice feeling like he was choked up. He couldn't speak. Looking up one last time, he saw a single green light ahead of him. The light flashed before him, and turned into Artemis. His blonde goddess. The woman he loved with every piece of his shattered heart. Wally called out, tears in his eyes, "Arty! Arty! Babe!" Artemis came close enough to Wally that he could swear he could touch her. When he stretched out his hands towards hers, to take them, his hands went through the slim, beautiful fingers. She looked up at him with anger in her eyes. She muttered, "Just as I thought... an attention seeker. I don't even know why I started to date you, you coward. You fool. You stupid, always selfish, self centered idiot." Wally blinked back the tears in his eyes. Over everyone else's words, Artemis' hurt the worst. Maybe it was because she was his spitfire. Artemis turned on her heel, and walked away, and the ginger was the only one present. 

Wally waited for another light to come, but one never came. This was it. He was cold, tired, bleeding...everything he shouldn't be feeling. He got to his feet, even though every bone in his body ached, and started to run. He ran, and ran, and ran, until he couldn't. Collapsing, he laid on the ground, and felt its coolness on his bruised cheeks. He started to cry, and the salty tears stained his freckled cheeks. Hearing a deep laugh, Wally looked up, and saw his father standing over him with a smirk on his face. Rudolph laughed again, and said, "See what I told you, stupid? Your teammates don't care. That's how they will react if you tell them. They will hate you and spite you. You will be kicked off the petty Team, and left at home with me all day long. And I will be thrilled to be the last to see those green eyes of yours, before they close forever." Wally bit back, "Y-you don't know that! You don't know them! They're my friends!" Rudolph stopped, then asked, "Then where are your precious friends? Why aren't they here to save you?" Wally sighed, and lowered his head. Maybe his father was right. Maybe he was, just a stupid, dreaming teen...

A/N: And I'm going to leave you there for tonight, readers! I assure you, the Team will make an appearance in the next one. Until then, stand up for abused people. Show them that they don't have to fight their life and story, all by themselves. Support them. Love them. Cherish them. Raise awareness against this kind of treatment. People don't need this.

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