Chapter 10: Therapy -

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A/N: Now that I am back home, regular updates will resume as normal. As a thank you for keeping up with this, here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

Wally yawned, and leaned back in the chair he was seated in, thinking about how boring the therapy was going to be. Across from him was a tall, young brunette with glasses, and a bright smile. The brunette therapist, named Allie, asked, trying to start the session off, "So Wally, how are you doing today?" The raven haired speedster replied solemnly, "I'm fine. I just don't want to be here." Allie pushed her glasses up, and said, "That is pretty normal. You've been through a traumatic thing, and you want to be alone. I understand. But your uncle is worried about you, as is Doctor Mason. And even I am as well." Wally frowned, and kept silent. Allie continued, sighing, "Wally, your uncle told me you haven't eaten much these last few days. I know from what your uncle told me, is that you're like him... a speedster." "Yeah, so? Being a speedster doesn't mean I'm addicted to food!I'm allowed to choose when I want to eat!", Wally snapped, as he rose defiantly. When he realized how he had sounded, he sat down, and said, "Sorry." Allie replied, "Don't be. You're angry. You want to yell and punch things. I get it. This is a safe place. Feel free to rant. Tell me about it, and I'll listen." Wally sighed, and said, "I guess I just don't know what to do. My dad is out there, looking to kill me, and I can't do anything. Dang it! I'm such a loser! I'm supposed to be a hero! I'm supposed to know how to fight back! But I can't...because he's my dad." Allie nodded, but said, "You're not a loser, Wally. You're actually very strong for the situation. And being a hero doesn't mean you have to keep up the facade of it every day, even out of uniform. You're allowed to speak up, and say what you want. You're also allowed to break down and cry. You're human, even with your powers. And that won't ever change." The raven speedster looked up at the brunette, but again, said nothing. 

After a few minutes, Allie said, "Why don't we call it a day? You can come back tomorrow, after you've given it some thought." Wally nodded, and wheeled over to the door, in the wheelchair. His casted leg was hurting terribly from when he had risen up quickly in anger. Allie came over, and opened the door, watching the bound speedster leave the room. She sighed, and wondered what would need to be done, to get her patient out of his bad feeling.

Wally left the room, and went straight back to the fifth floor, also known as the 'breaks floor'. He passed the nurses, not answering when they asked if he needed anything. Coming into his room, he shut the door, and wheeled over to the stand. He picked up the TV remote and blankly flicked it on. He watched his uncle, as Flash, racing around and creating a twister, to stop the latest Rogue incident. Becoming bored, he flicked it to the news channel, and noticed it was in the middle of his Aunt Iris' segment. The redheaded female looked out beyond the desk, and after shuffling some papers together, said, "Still no word about where Rudolph West is, since he broke free of the police a few days ago. Police are still searching for him, hoping to find a solid lead. The city is on lock down, and all outgoing flights are being triple checked at Central City Airport. In other news, a new coffee, being made now at CC Jitters coffeehouse, will be named in honor of the city's hero, the Flash. It will be available for consumers by the third of next month." Wally flicked the TV off. He muttered, "It's all just boring news anyway..., except for the bit about Barry, that I'm no part of, because of this stupid break." 

Hearing a knock at the door, Wally asked, "Who is it?" A soft voice, that sounded familiar replied, "It's me, babe." The speedster replied, "Okay, come on in, Arty." The door opened, and in stepped Artemis. Wally smiled at her weakly, then said, "Hey, what's up?" The blonde answered, "Nothing much... I just wanted to know how your first day of therapy went. Care to share?" The raven haired teen gave a soft chuckle, then answered, "It was fine. Nothing really major for the Wall-man." Artemis responded, "Good." She stepped closer, walked behind Wally, and wrapped her arms over his shoulders. She tussled with his hair, and kissed him on the cheek, before saying, "Not sure I like the raven haired you, Walls. I always admired the red, because it paired so nicely with my blonde hair and your canary yellow suit." Wally said, "I needed a change, Arty. My dad is coming after me, and will do anything to find me. Even though he knows I changed my hair, I had to make it harder. Redheads stand out; ravens blend in." "Babe, standing out is literally who you are. I didn't fall in love with a mysterious raven haired teen; I fell in love with you. Everything about you makes me happy. You're smart, handsome, fast, and by far, the sweetest guy I've ever met in my life. I wouldn't want you any other way.", Artemis lectured sweetly. She came around to face her boyfriend, and smiled, as she got onto his eye level. Leaning forward, Artemis kissed Wally on his lips. He took it as a sign, and kissed her back. When they finally broke free, both smiled at each other.

 Artemis responded, "I think I have to go. The Team is working on something for you. And Robin...well...he hasn't been at the Cave in a few days. I'm starting to get worried." "Oh my gosh! I completely forgot about Robin!", Wally yelled. Artemis asked, "What do you mean?" The teen answered, "I yelled at him, and told him to shut up! Dang it! I was supposed to be a good friend, but in all of my anger at my dad, I yelled at my best friend! I have to apologize!" Artemis, wide eyed, tried to stop her boyfriend from leaving, but failed, when he got up, and vibrated out of the leg cast, and zoomed out of the room! She watched, and hoped his father wouldn't find him...

A/N: And there ya have it! Chapter 10 has been completed! I hope you enjoyed more Spitfire, and forgive me for leaving you on a cliffhanger! Please don't forget, if you enjoyed, to leave your opinion by comment or vote below! Much thanks! Until next time, stay whelmed and feel the aster!

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