Chapter 11: Forgiveness -

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A/N: I am so sorry for not getting this out sooner! I started working on this like 3-4 days ago, but have been so busy with work that I haven't had the time to do much writing. Now, finally this little chapter is complete. Enjoy, I hope.

Wally didn't even let the pain his leg was giving him, stop him from running! He had to find Robin, and apologize sincerely for being such a jerk. He had to make sure his best friend knew he hadn't meant any of it. Wally kept on running, passing the sign for Central City, and kept going, until he reached Gotham. When he stepped over the line, he ran straight for Wayne Manor, where he knew Robin would be. Getting to the door, he rapped loudly, and Alfred, the butler, answered, "Master Wallace, what are you doing here?" Wally replied quickly, "ALFRED! Is Dick here? I have to see him right now! It's urgent!" The butler, not knowing the situation, let the rambunctious teen speedster into the house, where he buzzed up the stairs, and started knocking on Dick's door. The raven haired teen opened it, then frowned, when he saw Wally. He was about to slam the door, in the other teen's face, until Wally cried out, "Dick! Please listen to me!" The Bird asked, irritatedly, "What do you want? Why'd Alfred let you in, in the first place?"

Wally looked at his best friend in his blue eyes, and admitted, "I'm so sorry I yelled at you, and told you to shut up. It was stupid of me, and you're my best friend in the whole world. I don't want us to not be friends, Dick. You mean everything to me. Please...I'm sorry." Dick looked up at Wally, then smirked, and said, "Aw, come on, man. Why wouldn't I forgive ya? You're my only BGF ever, well, except for maybe Roy coming in second place... But don't tell him that, okay?" Wally asked, "Okay, I know I'm familiar with a ton of your words, but what does 'BGF' mean?" Dick replied, "It means 'best guy friend'. Wally nodded, and answered, "Ohhhh..." He noticed Dick looking curiously at his leg, as he asked, "Walls, aren't you supposed to be bedridden? Being up, and running could cause more damage. What would Barry say?" Wally shrugged his shoulders, and ran his hands through his dark hair, as he said, "I don't know... I mean, I had to get here to Gotham somehow to tell you, and running is the only way I know how." Dick laughed,  and said, "Come on... We need to get you back down. Further injury could be disasterous, heavy on the 'dis', if you aren't off that leg." Wally frowned, as the shorter Bird, led him over to the massive bed, and helped him up.

Once he was up there, Wally leaned back against the white pillows, and Dick crawled up beside him. If people saw how close they were, they might have thought they were lovebirds, but they were just really good friends, that were comfortable with being close. After a few minutes of silence, Dick asked calmly, "Walls, why didn't you tell me about your dad? I would have done anything to stop him. You know that." The older teen sighed, and responded, "You couldn't have done anything, Dick. He hates me. You can't change that. To him, you're just one of the people on the Team. He hates that I joined. He thinks it's a bunch of stupid make believe. Heck! Now he will go after you and Artemis. I didn't want you to know because he will kill you, for getting too close." "Walls, we will protect you. You have nothing to worry about. Artemis can handle herself pretty well, and I've got Bats on my side. Besides, if something does happen, and your dad does try to stop us, he can't stop Conner. The guy's got Kriptonian genes, and he's got an anger the size of Gotham. Plus, he's super protective by blood. A normal gunshot won't hurt him, since he's invincible. Remember the simulation exercise?", Dick smiled, as he answered. Wally replied, "I know, but you guys don't know my dad. Everything that happened, is all his fault. I just don't want you and Artemis to die, because of me. Please...let me handle it." "He'll hurt you, Walls. He almost beat you within an inch of death once, and I can't let it happen again. Let Bats and I handle it." "Dick, he's my dad. Listen to me... DO NOT STOP HIM. I have to fight him on my own. I have to show him that I am not weak like he thinks I am. I have to win.", Wally retorted. He continued, as he stood, "I-I have to go. S-sorry for popping in unannounced." Then, he was off. 

Wally ran back to Keystone City, and once he was there, he sped into the nearest hospital, and grabbed a cast opening knife. He poked the end in, and began to remove the hard casing around his leg. When it was off, he left immediately with the knife in hand, and ran towards his house. Upon getting to the front step, he peered into the window, and saw his father drunk on the couch, watching TV, not paying any attention as usual. Coming in through the back door, he slipped in, and clutched the knife in his fist. Wally gulped quietly, and slipped behind the couch. His heart began to race, and his blood began to boil with anger. Every bone in his body, was telling him it was the right thing to do, to give justice to a man who hated him and had abused him almost daily. But there was a part of him, that kept whispering that he shouldn't. His hero side kept saying that doing something as big as giving his father the due justice, would end him in a deeper pool of trouble. 

In the end, he dropped the knife, shoved it under the couch, and peeked out from over the couch. He slipped back into the kitchen, and called the KCPD (Keystone City Police Department), as quietly as he could. Still, when he was on the phone, he hadn't noticed his father had gotten up, and stumbled into the kitchen. When Rudolph saw him, he growled, not realizing that Wally was still connected to the police department, "Well lookie... You came back, kid. Now, you're gonna pay..." Wally felt his eyes widen, as the phone dropped to his feet, surprise coming over him in heaps.

A/N: So I will leave you all at that... I am getting close to finishing this book, since the plot was kinda a short one. Sorry. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed some of the best friend Dick/Wally moments. I personally don't ship them together, but as friends, they work. Opposites attract, right? Science... If you enjoyed, please consider dropping a vote or comment below, or in my PM. That's always open, even if I have a ton of work. And I'm always willing and open to chat there.

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