the mothman.

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The strange story of the Mothman In 2002 the prophecy of the shadows comes out on the screens and the story looks like a fantastic film. Paranormal situation, monstrous creature and disaster scenario are of the game. Surprising as it may seem, the film is drawn from a true story. Indeed, on November 15, 1966 in Point Plaisance, a small city of Virginia in the United States, a being with the red eyes would have been seen in the vicinity of a factory disinfected. The place sheltered during the second world war a secret factory of ammunition. A woman recounts seeing a creature of about two meters, covered with feathers resembling a man. He stood erect, his stroke in his shoulders. In the days that followed, this strange silhouette would have appeared again. Soon the press became enthusiastic about the affair and baptized the creature the Mothman, in reference to the superhero Batman. In the weeks that follow, new and even more terrifying testimonies come to fuel psychosis. People claim to have been physically assaulted. The Mothman case then becomes a matter of state. He did not disarm any more one day without testifying to an apparition of the Mothman. On December 15, 1967, 13 months to the day after the first appearance of the creature, a tragedy ends the phenomenon. The suspension bridgeSilver Bridge linking Ohio to Virginia collapsed, leaving 46 dead. When the bridge collapsed, people began to view the Mothman as a prophet who had come to warn of what was going to happen. A few days before the end of the year, the Mothman would have evaporated. The ominous bird was never seen again in the sky of Virginia.

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