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The rest of the week went something like this:

In the morning, the kids would go about their morning routine then go to the bus stop, leaving Angie behind.

Angie would then help Marge clean up the kitchen and the house until noon. Afterward, they would have lunch, followed by nap time upstairs or she would stay on the porch outside, playing with her doll. Sometimes she would go on the tire swing outside, attempting to get herself going with her only hand holding the rope connecting the tire to the branch, and her foot pushing her away from the tree. She would often find herself alone until Marge called her to the kitchen to help her cook dinner.

By then, the rest of the kids would come home and it would be a normal evening from there.

For Steve, Sam, and Bucky, however, things were a little different.

"Boys," Nat said as she slid into the booth next to Steve, across from Bucky and Sam.




Nat returned each man's greeting with a tight-lipped smile before updating them on things.

So far, Ross was getting colder from their location.

He checked Mexico, Canada, even Wakanda to see if they were there.

"So we're safe to go," Sam concluded hopefully.

"Not quite. Ross still has eyes everywhere watching your every move. Since the tip of the stranger fifty hours ago, he has the place teeming with agents." Nat mumbled lowly as she lifted her steaming cup of coffee to her lips, blowing the rising steam from the top before taking a sip.

"We stay on the low?" Sam asked precariously, hoping that it would be a no.

"Stay real low. Try to avoid the outside world as much as possible." Nat confirmed. Sam sank into his seat, his mind going a hundred miles an hour.

"And stay where you're staying, so far it sounds like Ross's men are giving up," Nat said as she put a twenty under the half-emptied mug and stood up to leave, not sparing a glance at her friends.

Steve heaved a sigh before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the tracking device she dropped in before sliding out the booth. He crushed it between his forefinger and thumb as he followed Sam and Bucky started out the door.


Nat looked over her shoulder before ducking her head into her own car and driving off, glancing at her wristwatch to see where the second beacon she planted was going. 

She knew Steve would figure her habits at their second visit, so she planted a tracker in their car just in case. When beacon one was read offline, she knew she made the right choice.

Nat pulled out her burner cell and quickly dialed a number, "Stark, its Romanoff. We need to talk."


The ride home was a quiet one, like the one before, but this time it was a little tenser than last time. Sam's head was filled with thoughts about his sister's reaction, Steve was concerned with their own escape as well as the safety of Marge and the kids while Bucky was already thinking of places to go. 

The men arrived on time to see the kids running past them to reach their bus stop at the turn of the road. All of the kids waved at the car as they drove by.

Upon arrival to the house, Angie and Marge were cleaning the table and the kitchen as usual.

Marge briefly glanced up while she wiped the tables with a soapy rag, "Hey, Sammy. How did the meeting go?" She asked politely.

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