second chances

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Steve inhaled and lightly shook his shoulders before stepping in front of the all glass wall of the conference room.

Tony was seated inside, talking and nodding with another person across the long table. The door slid open and Steve stepped inside, immediately noticing the calm atmosphere.

"Rogers, glad you made it." Tony greeted neutrally.

"Stark." Steve returned.

"Have a seat, Captain Rogers. Is Sergeant Barnes with you?" The other person, a well dressed woman in her mid forties greeted politely.

"No, ma'am, he had a few errands today. And you are...?" Steve extended a hand to the woman before seating himself a few seats away.

"My name's Agatha Brown, Mr. Stark has asked me to represent Sergeant Barnes in court." Mrs. Brown explained.

Steve immediately narrowed his glare at Tony. "Don't get your star spangled panties in a twist, Rogers. Hear me out.

"Bucky has a chance to regain total citizenship if he's brought to the Supreme Court-"

"The Supreme Court!? Tony, that's not what-"

"Oh for Pete's sakes, Steve, let me finish!"

Steve closed his mouth and crossed his arms.

"The Supreme Court wants to charge Bucky as a terrorist and lock him up for the rest of his life in a prison much worse than the one you jail broke your pals out of. I brought Mrs Brown over and had her review the case, she thinks there's a chance they could label all this as an involuntary act from a prisoner of war." Tony finished and looked at Steve, worn and tired from this mess.

"Captain Rogers, if I may," Mrs. Brown began. Steve's calculating gaze landed on the attorney.

"I spoke to another team of lawyers who can fully support the argument, however, we need all three of your cooperations. If this goes in our favor, Sgt. Barnes will just have to show record to the state that he's been attending therapy for three years, will not come in contanct with any militia or otherwise military grade weapons and report his location and daily activities for at least three months. After that he'll be sworn in as a citizen of the United States."

There was an awkward and tense silence for a while until Steve finally turned to Tony. "Why are you doing this, Tony?"

Tony snorted and pinched tje bridge of his nose, "This was Nat's idea, and it was the best offer she could bargain with Ross. I'm actually not supposed to be here, Nat got busy so she asked me to fill in."

This time it was Steve's turn to scoff. "Thank for you help, Mrs. Brown. Do you want me to tell Sgt. Barnes what will be happening? Or do you want to introduce yourself to him?" Steve said politely.

"Its alright, Captain Rogers, I'll introduce myself."

With that, Steve respectfully dismissed himself and went back to his quaters, trying to figure out how Bucky will respond.


"Alright, colonizer, rotate upward." Shuri said as Dr Cho read the monitors.

Bucky did as he was told.

"Any discomfort, Mr. Barnes?" Dr Cho asked.

Bucky shook his head and rotated his entire cuff. "It does feel much lighter though," he commented softly.

Shuri chuckled and pressed a black ball on her bracelet as Dr Cho documented the changes. An entire room filled with holograms suddenly disappeared into the black ball.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Bucky put on his shirt and slid down the exam table.

"Until then, White Wolf. Just don't get into too much trouble, ah?" Shuri offered her fist to Bucky. Bucky smiled softly bumped it with his metal hand.

"Thank you for letting us work with you, Mr. Barnes," Helen extended her hand to him and he shook it with his flesh hand. "No problem. Thank you both for making it lighter, my back doesn't hurt so much," he said.

"That's because you are an old man, colonizer!" She let out a hearty laugh before disappearing behind the lab door.

"Have a good day, Mr. Barnes," Dr. Cho said as she slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out.

Bucky sifted through his reports. Blood alloy level was pretty good, oxygen was running smoothly.

He then went through the blue print of his arm, noticing how each muscle was developed and mimcked the real thing.

Maybe they could make one for Angie.

A soft ding went off, "Sgt. Barnes, Captain Rogers is asking for you. If possible, he would like to meet on the balcony of the fifth floor facing west."

"Thanks, Friday. Tell him I'll be there soon."


Bucky trekked around the building until he found Steve sitting on the balcony with an African American woman.

The doors slid open, and Steve glanced at him.

"Good afternoon, Sgt. Barnes. My name is Agatha Brown, and I'm here to represent you in United States v. Barnes case."

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