May I have this Ed

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Ed stole Eddy's donut so he's chasing him running into the Janitors closet

"Eddy calm down you know you're only encouraging him" Edd attempts

"Leave him be Double Dork, this is way more fun."

"But Y/n-"

Ed wrecked the entire school for a donut

"Oh dear have you two no respect for the sanctum of school property?!"

"In other words: good job Ed, you may eat your donut now."
I translated

A paper from the wall flew into Edds hands only for him to hide it
"I withdraw my last statement no harm done yes"

He tried walking away but I snatched it giving the paper to Eddy

"School dance? Tonight?? How did we mis this?!"


"Isn't it a shame, why if only we had known sooner! Well there's always next year."
Edd hid in the blinds and we did the same

"Only losers stay home on a school dance night, and we ain't losers! Right Ed??"

"Sure ain't Eddy!"

"Where'd Edd go??"

We looked around for Edd

"Found him!"
Eddy pulled him back through the window

"Check this out"

"Win a date with Eddy??"
I read aloud

"Yup, wanna give it a go

"No thanks Eddy, I already have someone in mind."


"You'll see"

We heard someone sign the paper and it said 'Ed'

"Don't you know it's customary for a boy to ask a girl to attend"
We watch as Sarah throws Johnny in a trash can

"Asking's for chumps Double D, my bro told me really cool guys ride solo so they ain't stck with the same chick all night"

His brother irritates me
"Eddy, I believe everything your brother teaches you is bull"

The bell rings and we race to Eddy's house

"Wait until you see this"

Edd reads it
"Dames, dates, and you??"

"It's got everything a guy needs about charming the dames, my bro says so"

"Again bull"

"Just call me Charmin Marvin"

"A tad dated don't you think Eddy"

We go to the attic to practice

"Let's see, one swinging chick"

Eddy sweeps me off my feet flirtiously


As I push him away he keeps reading

Edd tries to break free from his chains

"Go ahead Sockhead, ask her."

They use me for practice
Edd stares at me and tucks his head in his shirt

Eddy plays old timey music
"We're waiting"

"Squish the tomato Double D"
Ed says squishing his eye

I stare at Ed


He looks at me awkwardly sweating

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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