
110 33 4

"you were the start of my new beginning."

The sound of birds chirping

Leaves rustling

And the bright sun shining on my face is what motivated me to flutter my eyes open.

It was beautiful.

This is what heaven looks like.

I looked around my surroundings.

I was on a giant white bed with fluffy comforters and pillows.

The sun brought a yellow tone in and made everything look golden.

The dresser and tv was white.

The desk and chairs were white.

It really was heaven.

I looked onto my left side and saw a boy warmly smiling at me.

As we made eye contact he was automatically lost into my violet eyes like the lady from the restaurant.

He looked straight my eyes with his eye smile.

His smile was real.

His elbow rested on the window frame with his cheek in his hand.

He was a beautiful angel.

The sun shone on his face

Making all of his features pop out more.

He was perfect

He got up and kneeled next to the bed.

I was frozen in place to even scoot back.

"I found you on the floor passed out so brought you here." He explained

I slightly knit my eyebrows in confusion before the memories actually came back.

"What is your name?" He asked.

My eyes flickered in sadness.

The boy tilted his head. A little confused before he realized what was going on.

He warmly smiled.

It's was genuine but at the same time you can see the 'pity' in his eyes.

The familiar look I had always gotten.

I gave him a dirty look.

"I'm not!" the young boy raised his arms in defense.

I got up off the bed and hesitantly walked out the door.

I was heading for the door to leave.

But in the corner of my eye I saw a study room.

Got it!

I ran over to the desks and grabbed a pen and notebook.

As I turned around I collided with a hard wall-


I looked up then back down instantly and wrote down in the journal:

'My name is Jennie Alexandria Kim. Thank you for letting me stay the night. I need to go back home. My parents need me."

I lied.

I don't have parents nor a home anymore.

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