Chapter 6: So, Michael Has to Murder Someone Now

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With a gulp, Michael turned toward Jeremy and Christine, address in hand.

"What were you guys talking about? And where are the handcuff-thingies? And OH MY GOSH are those BUGLES?" asked Christine, eyeing the nearby chips isle. "Wait, they only have Peanut Butter flavor. Gross."

"Well, we kinda, sorta, have to murder someone to get our," Michael whispered after glancing around, "time machine back."

"WE HAVE TO WHAT?" Jeremy whisper-shouted.

"I bet we could feed them Peanut Butter Bugles. I'd say they're gross enough to kill a person." remarked Christine.

Michael laughed nervously, as he read the address on the paper. "2934 Mason Street, Sherwood, Ohio, 43556".

"Wait, Mason Street? I saw that on the way here!" remarked Jeremy. "If we retrace our steps, I can probably find it again."

So, the three of them decided to look for the house, and after about 10 minutes of Michael walking in withdrawn silence from the others, he pointed out a green sign reading, "Mason Street".

"This should be the one," he said.

"You guys...are we really about to murder someone?" asked Christine. "This is a HUGE deal."

"You're right. But what other choice do we have?" asked Michael.

"Well, what if we just knocked them out somehow? Then JD and whoever that was would think they're dead, and would give us our time machine back?" suggested Jeremy quietly.

"Great idea, Jeremy! I bet we could maybe hit them with like a heavy object, and that'd do the trick! Or maybe if we stabbed them, but not so hard that they would die." replied Christine

"Thanks, Christine, those are some good ideas!" complimented Jeremy.

Christine beamed, until another thought crossed her mind. "Who exactly are we 'killing', Michael?"

"A girl named Heather Chandler," Michael informed her.

"Ok then. I just didn't want to have to refer to her as the nameless person who we might actually kill but probably not, I mean that's obviously more than a little bit illegal, and have never met in our lives most likely, well, I guess it's possible that we have but it's pretty dang unlikely, and that would mean that she survived the whole thing, and wouldn't that be weird? You're just walking down the street and you see the kids that tried to kill you when you were in high school, except they're younger now somehow so that can't be possible, but like what would you even say anyway? 'Oh yeah, by the way, I lived y'all' and then you're just like 'Deal with it' and walk away leaving the little kiddos in complete and utter bewilderme-" Christine was then shushed by Michael, who noticed a man walking towards them. If someone had overheard what Christine just said, there was no doubt in Michael's mind that they would be reported to the police in a matter of seconds. He motioned for them all to walk towards the mansion at 2934 Mason Street.

Once they had walked up to the house and rung the doorbell, an old maid answered the door. Michael assumed she was the housekeeper. "Welcome to the Chandler residence. How may I help you?"

Michael fumbled around in his pockets, and pulled out the yellow envelope. "We, uh, we're here to give this letter to Heather, is she here?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact she is. Would you like me to give this to her?" she offered.

"Actually, we also have a...message to bring to her from the deliverer! So it'd probably be better for us to give it to her, you know, in person?" Michael said hastily.

"No, no, it's fine. I would be more than willing to do that for you," the woman assured them.

"It's kinda long, and, no offense, but I'm not entirely sure you'd be able to remember it all." added Michael, taking her age into account.

"Alright, then, her bedroom is upstairs, and at the end of the hallway." The old woman backed away from the door to let them pass.

Michael, Jeremy, and Christine all walked up the stairs, admiring the grand room they had entered. The staircase looked like something straight out of a palace, and the paintings on the walls were insanely detailed. There was a crystal chandelier directly above them, that shimmered like dewdrops at sunrise. As they traveled down the hallway, Christine noticed lots of red flowers. She thought of it as the blood that could be shed if they had to kill Heather Chandler.

At the end of the hallway, the three of them arrived at a door with the name Heather on a sign.

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