Chapter 7: Michael "Murders" a Heather

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Michael took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A girl wearing red answered it, saying, "I swear, if you ask me about Girl Scout cookies ONE MORE TIME-" then paused. "Who are you?"

Michael looked around for some sort of weapon, as did Jeremy. Christine just seemed to be staring at a doorknob for no apparent reason. "We, uh, have a letter to deliver to you," said Michael, trying to buy some time. Then he discovered an expensive-looking vase, filled with red flowers.

"Well then why didn't Marge take it?" she asked, annoyed.

"Marge?" Michael had no clue who Marge was.

"The housekeeper? She should have answered the door!" Heather was starting to get irritated.

"Oh. Right. Well, the letter has an important message from the sender. So she, uh, she sent us up."

Heather didn't look convinced. "Well, give me the letter, then."

"Of course. It's" said Michael, pulling out the yellow envelope. It was empty, but Heather didn't know that.

"I'll bet it's from Heather." Heather reckoned. Michael was more than a little confused by this statement. But he didn't waste any time. He took the vase, and smashed it right on Heather Chandler's head. This distracted Christine from the doorknob, that's for sure.

Marge called up from the bottom floor. "Is everything okay up there, kids? I heard a crash!"

Michael called back, "Everything is fine!" Totally, absolutely fine. Nothing wrong in the slightest.

Jeremy tried to feel for a pulse. "It's faint, but it's there."

Relief swept through the three New Jerseyans, until they realized that they had to leave the house with a dead body. Luckily, Heather had left her bedroom window open. They all rushed towards it, to find that there was a balcony directly under them. Christine dropped down to the balcony first, because she was the smallest. Once she landed, she took a glance around and gave the boys a signal that the coast was clear. Jeremy then jumped, and Michael lowered down Heather's unconscious body, which was covered in cuts from the broken glass, before jumping down himself.

Jeremy, who was helping Christine carry the body, noticed an old and abandoned but large suitcase standing up against a tree. Somehow, Jeremy and Michael managed to squeeze Heather into the suitcase, but just barely. They went on their way back to the 7-11, to find JD and Veronica.

When they arrived at 7-11, JD and Veronica were sitting outside, drinking slurpees. JD appeared to be...singing? About brain freeze? He stopped abruptly when Michael cleared his throat and motioned toward the suitcase, which smelled very distinctly of perfume. JD walked over to the suitcase and opened it up. He looked satisfied. He pulled the handcuffs out of his trenchcoat, and handed them to Michael.

"Pleasure doing business with you," he said, smirking. "Glad you could enjoy your time in 1989." Then Jeremy began pointing urgently at a Mountain Dew Red truck that was headed to the 7-11 parking lot before Michael could say another word. The truck began unloading, and Jeremy grabbed a bottle before running back to Michael and Christine. Michael quickly put the handcuffs on both of them, with Christine's hands on top, as he punched in 11/5/2015, and they set off again, swirling and spinning around until they were back in their own time.

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