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"Ughhhh... I can't sleep..." I whispered, annoyed. I've been up for the past five hours thinking about the audition. It just doesn't feel like what I did was enough.

I've always loved to dance. Ever since I was a kid I had always dreamed of being a professional dancer.

As I lay here on my soft bed, I wondered if I actually qualify to be on this kind of stage. What If I didn't make the cut? What do I do then? And what if I do get in? Where will this path take me?

With all those questions running through my head, I feel myself drifting unknowingly into the depths of sleep.

A week later (or less)...


"Hello. Is this Rosten Carmona?"

"Speaking... Who is this?"

"This is Sonali Samarsena. Do you remember me? I'm from the Corps Dance Crew. We would like to ask you to come to practice tomorrow. At one o'clock pm. If it's not a hassle practice ends at two in the morning. Please attend if you can."

End call...

Huh. Ok. That was... That.

What do they want? Was I accepted? "Oh come on Rosten. Don't get too excited." I whisper to myself. I put my phone on my bedroom desk and fall backwars on my bed, landing on the soft mattress and drowning in the pure white covers. I inhale the scent of my sheets trying to sooth my pulsing mind. Ever since last week the audition was the only thing I could think of.

I sighed. I guess I'll know what happened tomorrow.

Time skip brought to you by the author's empty mind...

"*Yawn* good morning me..." I said to myself stretching my arms out towrds the ceiling.... Only to fall back into my bed.

"It's Tuesday today... Practice is this evening... Might as well get up then..." I got up and make my way downstairs to get myself some breakfast.

After breakfast, I made my way tony living room. Dancing always clears my head. I began to push things aside which created a large space in the center of the room. I hooked my phone up to the speaker using an aux chord and hit play.

Now Playing- Find You (Zedd)


High on words
We almost used
We're fireworks with a wet fuse

I'm going through the list of new recruites again. I scan through it until I came across his name again...


Make them dance
Just like you
'cause you make me move

I felt myself smile...
I can't wait to meet you in person...
Rosten Carmona.


I will find you

My body moves to the music. As if it had a mind of it's own. The movements flow through me and somehow everything around me seems to disappear.

Dance, Our Red String of FateWhere stories live. Discover now