thin ice.

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"oh, no," seulgi pulled herself away from wendy's hands and grabbed her hair, tightly. her fast breathing had increased, dramatically and seulgi was on the verge of passing out in a minute. "what are we gonna do?" her voice had cracked from all the fast breathing she was doing. wendy shushed her so the police wouldn't hear her.

"we demand you to open the door now!" the police shouted once again. everything was happening so fast that seulgi eventually did pass out and fell into wendy's arms. wendy ran with seulgi in her arms into her bedroom. after, she immediately rushed to open the door before the police kicked her door open.

"hello." wendy greeted the two police officers that were standing at her door, angered. she nervously chuckled under her breath once she had seen all the guns and tasers. it was only a matter of time until wendy realized they had brought a worker from the castle to her house.

"we're looking for princess seulgi and we need to ask you a few questions about the past few days since she ran away." the police stated before pulling out a picture of seulgi. she looked different with a crown and large dress on. wendy didn't even know if that was the girl she found asleep in her backyard anymore.

"oh, okay, come in." wendy moved away, letting the police officers and castle worker come in. wendy didn't know what to do. she hid seulgi, passed out and if seulgi woke up, they would've been busted.

"so, where were you at midnight on a sunday night?" one of the police officers took out a been and a piece of paper. wendy was scared when the officer had wrote down her whole name and address because that's when she realized that this was serious and there was no way she was getting out of this.

"i was asleep at that time," wendy said in a tone that would make the officer think that he was dumb for asking that question, but the officer showed no emotion and nonetheless, wrote down her response. "i mean, who stays up late on a sunday night?" wendy nervously chuckled, trying her best to lighten up the mood, but nothing. just nothing.

"where were you on monday morning?"

"i was still at home, watering my plants in the backyard." wendy said, leaving out the most important part of this whole search party.

"did you ever perhaps see a girl with light brown hair?" the worker said, nervously. wendy's heart broke, seeing how scared and nervous he was. it was probably a mess back at the castle, but wendy couldn't be upset. if her child went missing one night, she would go crazy.

"no." wendy said, wishing that this discussion would end right now because she could have sworn she seen her bedroom doorknob move. "is that all, i really need to do something." wendy started nervously playing with her fingers.

"that's all, thanks." the police officers and the worker walked to wendy's front door, but not without a simple look around the house first. they looked back at wendy who nervously smiled before closing the door.

"that was so close." wendy dramatically sighed after locking and sliding down the door. seulgi and wendy were so close to getting caught. it had only been a day since seulgi had been found by wendy, but wendy wanted to show seulgi that she could count on her as a friend.

"are they gone?!" wendy heard when she walked back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "yeah, they're gone, but make sure to stay away from the windows." wendy said before a sip of her ice cold water. seulgi slowly made her way past the living room window and approached wendy in the kitchen.

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