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A/N: It's been awhile, but I wanted to give you guys something since I felt like writing finally since my mind is so clueless. Enjoy!

seulgi moaned in delight when she placed the meat on her tongue. the night was still warm and wendy decided to have a little barbecue, knowing that grilling inside would be a safety hazard and the vibe they were in only made a barbecue the best option for them. yeri smiled, happily slurping the warm noodles into her mouth.

there was beef, chicken, soups, rice, potstickers, and chicken noodles that was laid out on a large platter for anyone to get. wendy had cooked the rice, soups, and potstickers beforehand, but she had just cooked the other foods about thirty minutes ago. seulgi picked up a potsticker, waving it in wendy's face for her to notice that she wanted to feed her, "wendy, open up."

wendy chuckled, opening her mouth wide enough to place the warm potsticker in her mouth. when the potsticker was in her mouth, she moaned in delight, thanking seulgi. yeri chuckled at the sight, immediately thinking about what the two were to each other. wendy said that they were just friends, but by the sight, she had just seen and all the kissing earlier, there was no way that they were just friends.

"are you two together?" yeri asked, creating a silence between the two girls. seulgi desperately wanted the answer to be yes, but she and wendy haven't decided that yet and it would be quite rude if she said yes without wendy's consent.

wendy smiled, placing down her chopsticks, and looking at seulgi. the older was looking back at her for a response, but wendy didn't wanna say anything. seulgi took a quick deep breath, letting her body rest from all the uncomfortable attention. "no, we're not dating, but we both know how we really feel about each other." seulgi said. she left out the real and unspoken reason of why they weren't together, but she didn't wanna put everything on wendy's shoulders.

yeri's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, hearing seulgi's weird answer. "so you two like each other, but you won't go out with each other?" seulgi chuckled, placing her attention upon her favorite person. wendy sighed, thinking of words to say, but her mind wasn't coping so, she decided to tell the truth, hoping the teenager would just understand.

"you know how i grew up always liking boys and believing that the only way that i felt comfortable with myself was to like boys, right?" wendy asked the teenager who simply nodded. "well, when seulgi came along, she made me feel like the best person in the world. when she confessed her real feelings to me, i didn't know what to do or say, so i said no. a few days later, i told myself that it was okay, but i just kept telling myself that it wasn't. after hours of fighting with myself, i then confessed, but i still wasn't okay with myself so, seulgi decided to help me. when i'm ready to be in a relationship with her, i will." wendy explained. seulgi wrapped her arm around wendy's waist, feeling a little sentimental.

"seulgi, you're so sweet. nobody would ever do that for me." yeri said, feeling a little jealous of her older cousin. seulgi chuckled at the teenager's response. "when you're in love, you will do possibly anything and everything to make that special someone yours." seulgi explained, earning an 'aw' from wendy. wendy then slowly leaned in, giving a quick peck on seulgi's lips.

yeri chuckled, grabbing her cold soda and watching the somewhat couple. she's always desperately wanting to have a boyfriend, but she's so busy that she actually doesn't have much time for boys or being social, period. the reason she's here is now is because of how she overworks herself and is always pushing herself. her mother forced her to come to relax, but secretly, find a boyfriend. someone who will make her happy, instead of always cheering about getting one-hundred percent on a test or worksheet.

"yeri, you'll find love and it might be somewhere that'd you least expect to find love. i didn't think i'd find love in someone's backyard," seulgi said, softly placing her forehead on wendy's, admiring to younger's eyes. "you don't really expect much when you've been raised in a castle all your life."

"yeah, i found her asleep in my backyard. if i can do that, you can do that anywhere." wendy smiled, leaning into seulgi.

"thanks, but maybe, not right now."

"but when?"

"when i'm ready and when the time is right, i guess."

wendy giggled, smiling genuinely at her baby cousin who she just couldn't get enough of. even though they're not that many years apart, she's been watching the younger continuously grow over the past few years and soon, she'll be leaving for college. it saddens her a little, but one thing she always talks gut the younger was to always be strong and sometimes, your rules can apply to you, too.

"wow, it's midnight, we should probably go to bed." yeri said.


"oh, auntie didn't tell you?"

"tell me, what?" wendy questioned, gazing at seulgi in confusion to see if she knew anything, but the older was just as clueless as she was.

"we planned to go shopping, get our nails done, and enjoy a nice meal together." yeri names everything from what they were going to do from noon all the way to midnight tomorrow.

"wow, that's a lot of stuff to do. are you comfortable being out for that long?"

"um, i'll be fine. i'll just wear a face mask and hat." seulgi explained, shrugging her shoulders, but she too, didn't know if she was gonna be okay out in the public for so long. she was scared, but she was willing to do whatever to make wendy and her family happy. it's probably the only way seulgi can think of saying thanks to them for bringing her into their family and taking good care of her. if she fell into someone else's backyard, she was sure they would try to gain the reward and send her back or expose her location immediately.

"well then, it's settled. it's gonna be so fun tomorrow!" yeri beamed, clapping her little hands together in excitement while making the somewhat couple chuckle.

"well, i guess we better clean up and get some rest." wendy chuckled, pecking seulgi's lips before standing up. before she could pick up anything, warm hands were wrapped around her cheeks as she was being pulled towards seulgi, having multiple pecks being littered all over her face. she immediately blushed, giggling into the kisses.

"hey guys, did you forget i was here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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