Chapter One

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Everything in my life was normal, well normal for me at least. School, friends, studies, etc...

Keyword; was.

A speeding car, a child on the road, a jump and a world of pain before nothing.

Waking up in a forest after you get hit by a car is normal... right? NOT!

------ 24 hours earlier------

It was finally 4pm when i was walking home, on valentine's day. My least favorite day, reason? I never get chocolate. No surprise there, this is how it is every year, the only chocolates i get are from my lonely self.

Though, i ain't complaining too much. I mean, i get to choose the chocolate anyway! I always hated getting chocolate that i didn't like from my parents.

I slowly walked to my house. A Japanese styled house. The ONLY Japanese styled house in this stupid Australian neighborhood you can say. My parents were obsessed with EVERYTHING Japanese. Food, candy, clothes, anime, language, everything. Though i can't say much, I'm kinda obsessed too.

As i made it to the front garden i sighed, as usual my parents aren't home. They rarely are, because of their job. My parents job has them going to many cities in other countries, not that I'm complaining. I mean what 11 year old wouldn't want the whole house to themselves? At least i get calls from them daily, though i don't really look forward to the calls. My parents are quite strict and want me to follow a certain regement, even though i never do. I doubt they'll notice anyway.

I walked up to the door and quickly unlocked it. Just after i took the key out the lock a soft yet harsh breeze swept my blonde hair in my face. Sighing, i moved my hair out of my vision and walked inside. Closing the door, i looked around. Everything was as it was when i left it. As my parents haven't been home for the past two weeks already. I then walked to the kitchen, after placing my stuff down at the door. Since i was hungry i made myself some scrambled eggs, as i wanted to engage in cooking for myself rather than heating up frozen meals or something. A girls gotta learn somehow!

After i made my food i sat down at the dining table and turned on the tv. At first i was just watching boring old news, that is until i looked down at my watch, finally noticing the time. It was 6:30pm, the time my favourite anime starts, what anime you may ask?

Hunter x Hunter!

I sat down on the couch when i finished my dinner. I quickly changed the channel to where Hunter x Hunter is on. Luckily it was only doing the intro. As the narrator was doing the intro, i followed along.

"Fearsome monsters... Exotic creatures... vast riches... hidden treasures... evil encloves... unexplored lands... the word "unknown" holds magic. And some incredible people are drawn to that magic.
They are known...
As Hunters!" The deep, male voice and i said together, at the same time. After that the opening came on, with me humming along with it.


The episode finished with the outro. 'Damn, the songs are really catchy!' This episode was somewhere in the middle of the ANT arc. I really want to watch more episodes but there is only one episode a day, unfortunately.

I then got up and took my dishes, putting them in the sink before grabbing my bags, then placing them in my room. I yawned as i placed my bag down, i went to the bathroom and changed into my pajamas. 'I'll have a shower tomorrow...' i thought to myself as i laid in bed and closed my eyes, falling asleep in a matter of seconds.


I was walking across a road, i can't make out which one but it's familiar... 'Where have i seen this road before..?' I said to myself in the dream.
There were no cars, no people. Just me. Then i saw a soft glow and a low hum coming from my right so i looked over there. A child was walking onto the road, it seemed like his ball had rolled away from him onto the road. That's when i heard it, an engine. I looked past the boy to see a speeding car, it was headed straight for the kid. 'Look out!' I yelled as i ran towards the kid. I wasn't going to make it, so i jumped. Jumped as hard as i can, i pushed the kid out the way.

Complete and utter darkness...

I heard an alarm, it sounds like my alarm clock.

I woke up with a groan, without looking i turned off the alarm and laid still in my bed. It seems i was there for a while because when i turned to look at the clock...

Well that's the first chapter of this book. I know it's probably boring but it'll get better later on. Again, i do not own Hunter x Hunter nor it's characters.

Bye bye lovely unicorns!~

I died, and lived to tell the tale (Hunter x Hunter fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz