Chapter Four

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I woke up to a white ceiling. I looked around to find myself in a room similar to a nurses office. It looks so familiar, i wonder where I've seen it...

After a few moments of looking around the room, my mind seemed to click, 'that's right! I was saving a kid then got run over by a car then woke up somewhere, only to be saved from... uh... the Netero look-alike.' I thought as i quickly sat up. I winced as my stomach stung from the wounds, i looked down to see my torso wrapped in bandages.

This situation feels so odd. 'If I'm in a hospital then Alex would be here... right? Or maybe it's only after the patient is awake. Then again, i had woken up in a forest... so maybe I'm not even near home anymore!'

I slightly jumped when i heard a familiar voice, "Ah, good to see you're awake!" The Netero look-a-like cheerfully walked over to the bed I'm laying on, and sat on a nearby chair. "You gave me quite a scare. You in the forest, with such critical injuries," he scratched his temple with one finger, "they were pretty bad. Who are you?" His eyes narrowed a little as he questioned me. For some reason it felt as if he was suspicious of me. Weird.

'What should i say? I got hit by a car then somehow woke up in a forest with odd looking plants that I've never seen before? No way... though i am a little suspicious, i should be at a hospital or dead...'

"It's good manners to state who you are before asking for other people's names"

He only laughed.

"You have an excellent point there. My name is Netero, I'm a hunter." He said rather proudly.

'N-netero?! Hunter? He's basically saying... I'M IN HUNTER X HUNTER?!' My eyes widened a little. I put my hands on my head and closed my eyes.  'I must be dreaming. I have to be. No way I'm in hunter x hunter...' i pinched my self then slowly open my eyes, still seeing Netero, who seemed to have an odd look of concern. 'I-if I'm in hunter x hunter, i should change my name... but, what to? Do i even need to? Maybe this is a prank by Alex! Or maybe not... Until i figure it out I'll pretend i have amnesia like in that fanfiction i was reading before... Well.. all this.'

I finally spoke after a minute of silence. "I... don't know... i can't remember anything..." i muttered lowly, looking down at my lap.

'Thank god for my acting classes...'

Netero stared at me for a few moments, i shifted under the covers.
"Hm.... Amnesia huh?" He muttered, to himself, grooming his beard. Netero sighed and stood up, "Unfortunately i can't do anything about that just yet. Tomorrow you can get out of bed and we'll see what we can do from there. Maybe have a walk in the nearby town to see if anything reminds you of something." He said as he walked to the door. "Get some rest now." Netero then left, after turning off the lights.

"This is so weird... i wonder how Alex is holding up?" i mumbled before lying down and letting sleep take over.

A/N: Heya! So, i know these chapters are short but they will get longer. I was going to rewrite this but I'm too lazy so I'll keep going.

I died, and lived to tell the tale (Hunter x Hunter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now