Chapter three

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At first there was nothing. I was nothing. I was dead...
Keyword; was.


My body was in immense pain. I couldn't move either, the only thing i could move was my fingers and my eyes. I stayed like this for ten minutes. Until i felt warm, but that warmth soon turned to hot and hot turned to boiling.

Within a few seconds my body was as if it were on fire, it was so hot. Far too hot. My blood was rushing, i couldn't move, and pain came throughout my body. Though, i didn't feel scared or worried... i didn't feel any emotion at all.

Then it all stopped. The pain, the heat, everything...

I finally opened my eyes, when i had opened them i saw nothing. Absolutely nothing. Pure black, never ending, like a black hole. I suddenly felt dizzy. My vision was spinning so I quickly closed my eyes, thinking it would help. It didn't, it only made it worse. Then it came back, the pain, the heat, my blood rushing and now the dizziness to make it worse. However, i still felt no emotion...

The heat got worse. It became so bad that i would've screamed if i could move. Even through all my pain, no emotion came from me.

Then the pain had gotten so bad i fainted.


I was in pain, so, so much pain. My muscles hurt, i was bleeding, my head hurts, my throat stings..

I couldn't move or speak without something hurting. I could feel warmth on me, sunlight. The ground, it felt like grass. 'Huh?'

I stayed still for awhile, just until the pain calmed down. I slowly got up, well, sat up and leant against a tree. A tree? I looked around to see trees, bushes, animals, birds... i was in a forest... 'Wait, WHAT?!'

I groaned, closed my eyes and curled into a ball. 'Ow... ow..' it hurt so much. Even yelling in my mind hurt... great. (Note the sarcasm)

"Hm... Are you ok, kid?" A mans voice came up in the silence. A hand rested on my shoulder and i winced, moving out of his grasp. He pulled his hand away, finally noticing that i was bloody and injured. He quickly picked me up in his oddly strong arms, along with my skateboard, putting it carefully onto my stomach.

'Honestly... my skateboard is with me...?' I thought as i just kept still, not fighting against the man who was carrying me. I was too tired and in too much pain to really care, plus... i felt weirdly safe with this man. I wonder why..?

After a short while of walking I opened my eyes to look at who the man was. When i gazed up at his face i immediately thought of a character of hunter x hunter, white beard and hair, kind, wise yet stern eyes.

'Heh, he looks like chairman netero...'

That was my last thought before i blacked out.

I know, it's short but i didn't have many ideas for this chapter. So deal with it.
Bye bye lovely unicorns!

I died, and lived to tell the tale (Hunter x Hunter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now