An Unplanned Meeting

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They pull up to a large house. Not nearly as big as the castle he had grown up in, but much larger than those of the ones in the village right outside his castle gates. Telmar, the kingdom the young Prince was supposed to rule over. His professor told him of the plans his Uncle had to take over the kingdom through his newborn son. Hence the reason they had to leave. If they didn't, they quite possibly could have been killed. They exit the machine made of metal that acted as a horse, and entered the odd looking cottage. Squinted eyes looking them up and down. No doubt concealing judgement. "Morgot Amaline, i'm guessing your'e the Spaniards Professor Kirke told me about." Spaniards? What is that? Maybe they should just go with it. "Yes ma'am. I'm Professor Cornilius and this is my student, Caspian." Amaline looked at the two standing there looking horribly indecent. How dare they show up looking so dreadful? "Go on upstairs before anyone sees you. I would hate to think what the other guests would say." The two homeless looking men follow behind the owner of this beautiful little inn.

They come to a small little room with two petite beds, a washroom with exceedingly advanced technology. A mirror standing at the south-west corner of the room, a small window looking out to a courtyard that was on the north wall. A dresser containing the garments of two men, with styles corresponding with those of the 1930's. Of coarse Caspian's side had much more "hip" outfits than the Professor. He was stuck with the boring stuff which he didn't mind. After a couple hours of washing up, they were met by Macready, looking much more presentable herself. They learned the basics of this new world they were stuck in, so they didn't look like complete freaks. Slang, music, fashion, everything you would need to know. It was quite a lot to take in. "Well Caspian, would you lime to put this into practice?" Macready looked at him with her head slightly tilted as if to challenge him. Concern shown across the face of the handsome 20 year old Prince.

Once again, riding in the box on wheels, is dropped off in front of a highly decorated grass field that was filled with young men and woman dressed exactly how Macready described. Stepping out of the car, his heart was pounding 100 miles a minute. Slowly walking through the crowd, he finds himself with a glass of cider. "Not as strong as I had hoped." he thought to himself. A young woman with a soft smile approaches him. Nothing short of beautiful. Danteray, a 19 year old college student. Deep green eyes, golden blonde hair and pale pink lips. Fair skin with lightly blushed cheeks. By appearance alone, she looks like she lives a carefree life. But unknown to many, that is not the case. A life cursed with the task she was left by her unwilling parents to take care of her younger sister. Diagnosed with an incurable disorder that will soon lead to her passing. Danteray is aware of this fact, but is unwilling to give up without a fight . In fact, she was feeling guilty about attending this party instead of spending the time with her sister. But she was knew that for her own sanity, she needed to converse with some healthy people of her own age.

Across the yard, her eyes were drawn to a man much darker than she was used to. He looked out of place, much like she felt. A perfect victim to attempt conversation with. "The cider is much too week isn't it?" Caspian looked at her in confusion, considering that is exactly what he had just thought to himslef. Danteray melted at soon her eyes were met with the big brown ones. "I couldn't agree more." His accent almost as enticing as his foreign appearance. "It seems like I should get out more, I don't know many of the people here." Caspian's heart slowed down to an almost normal pace knowing that she was nearly as uncomfortable as he was. "You have me beat. I don't know anyone."

"Now you do! My name is Danteray"

"I'm Caspian"

"That's an interesting name." She knew she would shortly forget it. Names are a struggle for her. She can barely remember her own.

"Where are you from?"

"Spain" He had been told to say that by Macready considering that there was no real place called Telmar where they were. "Danteray!" A voice called. A young woman with dark brown hair was seen waving over at the couple. The woman notices Caspian who seemed disappointed his new friend was called away so soon. "It was nice meeting you!" His name had already slipped her mins as she made her way to the brunette. "Who is that? He looks really familiar." Danteray looks over at Caspian as he walks away.

"I'm not sure."

"Did you catch his name?"

"Um, yes. I forgot."

"Ha, of coarse you did." They made their way to three other party guests, they all wanted to leave.

Writers note~ Well that's the end of part 3. Remember, feedback is a must! let me know if ya'll have any cute encounter ideas I could put in. I already pretty much have the plot figured out. Also, are you guys watching the Olympics? I do when I have the time. Stay tuned for part 4!

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