An Unplanned Friend

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A park on the west side of town was Danteray's favorite place to spend her day when the weather was nice. Typically she would have a book in hand sitting on a bench in the shade created by some trees. Today though, she had far too much on her mind. She would not be able to focus on the book. So instead, she brought a notebook to jot down some of the things running through her brain. Maybe on paper she would be able to organize them better. She looks up to observe what was going on at the park that day. To her left, there were some kids playing ball. Her eyes wandered up to the trees above her. She smiled as she watched the birds playing around the branches. Listening to the perfectly in tune chirping. As she lowers her head back down, she notices a familiar looking man standing right in front of her, blocking any kind of view she had before. 'How obnoxious!' she thinks to herself. The man begins to sit beside her. "What are you writing?" He notices that she seems agitated. So of coarse his first response is to make her even more mad. He grabs her notebook out of her hand "Oliver give it back. I'm not in the mood to mess around." He flips through the pages in case anything catches his eye. "Anything in here about me?" He jokes. 'Why would I write anything about you?" Oliver stops flipping as he finds what he had been looking for. "Ah ha! Oliver is... so insufferable . I wish he would move far away." The boy read as his tone began to change. "Hey you don't really think that do you?" His disappointed face almost makes her feel sorry for him. "That's what you get for snooping. Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought you had class now." It was true, Oliver was supposed to be in class but he actually had a good excuse to ditch. "Yeah, well my Uncle Digory said that I'm supposed to show around this guy that's staying at Amaline's inn. He's here for something I forgot. I don't pay attention to him really. Hey you want to go out with me sometime?" Oliver Kirke had in fact been very fond of Danteray for quite some time and had finally built up the courage to ask her out. "What guy?" she asked completely ignoring his question. "Um... I don't know. Some Spanish guy." Danteray's eyes lit up. "Oh! Uh...Cap... Ca...Caaaaa....."


"That's it! Caspian!

"You know him?"

"Only a little. I could go with you. I mean, if you want." Oliver perked up. "Yes! I would love that!" Poor guy is unaware of her motive.

Caspian lie on his bed reading a book entitled "Gone with the Wind" it was a fascinating read. "Caspian. Why don't you read a Telmaraine book? It would do you more good." His eyes lift off the page as he looks at his Professor with distaste. "Haven't I read them all?" The Professor grins "Hahahaha, not even close."

Knock Knock Knock

Oliver's knuckles met with the splintered wood door. Caspian popped up "Don't tell me it's Macready!" The Professor who was sitting at their dresser, using it as a desk, got up to see who it was. "Oh, well hello there. I don't believe I know you." He stood before the two colleg students. "My name is Oliver Kirke. Professor Kirke is my Uncle."

"And I'm Danteray." The familiar name caught Caspian's attention. The only thing that could pull him away from his book. "My Uncle wanted us to show Caspian around. Get him familiar with the area." Caspian got up and peaked his head out of the doorway. "Hi!"Danteray stepsin front. "Hi." Caspian smiles. "Uh, is my grandfather, Cornilius." Yet another lie. It's beginning to be habit for them. In reality, the Prince and his Professor have no blood relation, but they're just like family. "Nice to meet you, Sir. Well why don't we get going. There is a lot to look at!" Oliver grabs Caspian by the elbow. Caspian, even though had no problem spending the day with Danteray, still did not feel like 'exploring' he would much rather sit in his room and read. He never was an outgoing person. He spent most of his time growing up in the Professor's study, learning about Narnia. And if he wasn't studying, he was training.

They spent the day just walking around the city. They didn't really sight see at all. They eventually stopped by a restaurant and got something to eat. Caspian didn't do much talking. He mostly just listened to Danteray and Oliver bicker the whole time. Things about how Danteray liked him but wouldn't admit it to herself. How she thought he was the most annoying cad and doesn't know why she wanted to spend the day with him.

"Will you just shut your mouth?"

"I'm not the one in denial."

"Denial? I know perfectly well of my feeling for you!"

"And you..."

"And I think that you are the most insufferable, intolerable, obnoxious cad I have ever met!" Caspian stood there biting his lip. There wasn't really anything that he could say in this situation. Before they knew it, they saw the back of her head as she sped off in the opposite direction. "Maybe you went a little too far..." Oliver stood there in silence. A sheepish look on his face. "Can you blame me? I mean look at her! I have liked her ever since the Pevensies introduced me to her when they stayed at my Uncles." Pevensie? That name sounded awfully familiar, but from when? "You went about it the wrong way. Woman like a gentlemen. Not to be interrogated." Caspian said. His tone was soft as if he was trying to be as supportive as he could. "I'll go talk to her." He walked down the street a ways and found Danteray sitting alone on an outside patio in front of a cafe. He sat in the seat across from her and sent a look of support. Of coarse it made her heart beat wildly. "I'm sorry you had to see that. He's been bugging me for so long!" Caspian laughed. "Its alright. You know he really likes you."

"Yes I know, but there comes a point when you need to take the hint."

"He just doesn't know how to move on. I mean can you blame him?"

"What do you mean by that?" Danteray blushed.

"Its no secret that you are very beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have a date with you." Her face grew a deeper shade of red.

"Do you mean that?" His face changed from supportive to 'really?' She sat there for a few seconds trying to gain back her composer enough to ask him to dinner, but was soon interrupted. "Well by George, of all people!" She turned around to see her best friend Susan approaching them.

Writers note~ Well that was a long one. I also had written everything down and I just copy from paper. I hope to provide updates at least once everyday but you know how life is. I hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget... feedback feedback feedback. I need to know what you guys think in order to make my story more appealing. Maybe make the paragraphs shorter so they're easier to read? Anyway I need to go to sleep. I have to work tomorrow :/

Love Doesn't LastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora