Chapter 2: How exciting!- Nevermind...

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Kokichi's vision went blurry, he looked around with his eyes, wide in fear

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Kokichi's vision went blurry, he looked around with his eyes, wide in fear. He limply released Shuichi and snapped away from the kiss, cold sweat drizzling down the side of his pale face. Nobody was looking at them. Tenko had been too busy talking with Kaede and Rantaro, who were deeply focused in their conversation as much as Tenko was, meanwhile Kaito was engrossed in his push-ups, he was coming close to ninety of them...where had Kaito learned to do that many push-ups? Maybe from Maki, who he hung around most of the time. That girl was strange, not very talkative. Kokichi sighed nervously, looking up at Shuichi who looked bewildered, and..full of joy? Kokichi was shocked, now he knew that Shuichi loved him back. They had loved each other, for a quite some time, and hadn't figured out their emotions until just now.

" Saihara-Chan...uhm...le-let's just...g-go now... " Kokichi stuttered, he was still unsure if Shuichi was mad, or embarrassed about what just happened. " R-Right...follow me Oma-Kun... " Shuichi  grabbed onto Kokichi's hand once more, practically dragging the shorter boy out of the gym.





(Oma/Ouma pov)

Shuichi had taken me into the Boys locker room. I could tell where we would be going after this now, The Pool, an interesting choice, that was for sure. I thought Shuichi might have taken me to the Courtyard or Library since that was where Shuichi would usually hang out. Maybe Shuichi just needed a bit of a change! I could help with that~ I wonder if he'll start talking to me more? Oh Oh! Look he's coming over here to talk to me!

( Saihara pov )

Both of us were in our swimming attire, so I decided to walk over to Oma-Kun...what happened in the gym? I don't really understand why Oma-Kun would do such a thing, I never knew he liked me back. That's a good thing that he likes me back though- no, it's an amazing thing! Oma-Kun loves me back...he really does! " Hey, Oma-Kun...let's uh...let's go into the pool area now, shall we? " I stared down at the delicate male, I hadn't noticed how fragile Oma-Kun's body was, most likely because of the baggy-white clothing he wore all the time. His body was a little unnatural, as if...he wasn't eating enough. I'd have to notify Kirumi of this later, I couldn't have Oma-Kun starving to death, no, i'd be devastated if that happened. " Sure, Sure, Alright, My beloved Saihara-Chan! " I was popped out of my thoughts as Oma-Kun spoke, I decided to grab his hand once more as we made our way into the Pool Area. 






( still Saihara pov )

Kokichi immediately wriggled out of my grip, running forward and crashing into the water. Who knew such a small boy could make such a huge splash? I didn't. I released out a laugh as the water speckled onto my face. I watched as Kokichi popped up from the depths of the water that seemed to go on forever- which was a weird description since the pool was only 12 feet deep- Kokichi's eyes lit up when he had heard me laugh, which only caused me to smile. It was clear to both of us that we deeply loved each other. 

" Saihara-Chan! I'm not gonna wait all day, get in the pool aready before I come get you! " Kokichi cooed. " Oma-Kun, I would never leave you in there all day, you'd be bored out of your mind! " and at that, I carefully sprinted forward, slamming by body hard into the water as I yelled out 'CANNON BALL!' I heard Kokichi squeal in excitement right before I hit the water.

I held by breath, the water of the pool surrounding me with a cool sensation, causing me to shiver. As I felt myself begin to run out of saved air, I kicked downwards, making my way to the top of the musky water. 

( Kokichi's pov )

I watched as Shuichi appeared from the bottom of the pool, his pale face greeting me with a smile, meanwhile I had a wide grin across my face. Now this was somebody I never wanted to forget, ever. Shuichi Saihara was my dream lover! One I would never let go, ever. I stared into the gorgeous golden orbs that were Saihara-Chan's eyes, my goodness, they were gorgeous.

Saihara-Chan's smile...that was also mine now! If anybody were to take that away of Saihara-Chan I would be furious! No way I would let anyone do that to my beloved. 

( Nobodies pov )

" Saihara-Chan, you know, you have the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen? " Kokichi sang in the most playful voice he could manage from his tiny mouth. 

Shuichi's face lit up, a rose tinted blush covering his pale skin color, this causing Kokichi to smile.

" I-I wouldn't usually argue with you...Oma-Kun, but I think you're wrong, " Shuichi deeply inhaled before saying the last piece of his sentence, letting out a small puff, " I believe that you're eyes are much more gorgeous than my own. " 

Shuichi stared contently into Kokichi's bright purple eyes, which seemed to sparkle at Shuichi's small attempt of flirting. Kokichi found this adorable, swimming forward and wrapping his arms firmly around Shuichi's skinny body. 

" Awwwhhhh! Saihara-Chan! Thank youuuu~ " Kokichi laughed, another thing Shuichi loved about Kokichi, his admirable laugh that he yearned for all the time. 

" Y-Yeah...Oma-Kun, no problem. " Shuichi had no idea how to express the feelings of love he felt inside of his chest that clung to his heart so tightly, he felt bad that he couldn't make Kokichi happier- well, he thought he couldn't make Kokichi happy, but really, Kokichi was satisfiedby how Shuichi acted, he didn't mind the fact that Shuichi could not return the feelings of love yet. 










And then...after that final moment of happiness they would witness for a long time- everything went to hell...

Oh my god, i'm so sorry I didn't post this yesterday, I guess I just forgot about it because I was too busy packing for Maine. Anyways! SORRY AGAIN! I hope you all have a wonderful night!

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