Thalia's Adventure

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She climbed over the large roots of a great tree, she found herself in aww, she heard voices, music, someone was singing to her, biding her welcome. She realized the songs came from the trees themselves, they seemed joyous at her presence, but their song held a sorrow, and illness hung on the air. It tugged at her mind but she shook it off. She felt as if eyes were watching her. She looked around but found nothing as she continued. She placed her hand on a trunk for balance as she climbed over another root. As she moved away she was yanked back. Confused she looked at her hand and saw it stuck in some kind of large spider web. She pulled harder, finally breaking free, she brushed it off with disgust. She moved away from the tree, only to run into a larger web. She waved it off, coughing as some got in her mouth. She heard a little hiss coming from above her. She paused and looked up, only to gasp in horror. A giant hairy spider was descending upon her. She immediately rolled away, pulling her sword out as she did. The spider crawled towards her, a stinger appearing on the end of its abdomen. It lunged at her. She jumped to the side and sliced one of its legs off as it went. It screeched in pain swiping it's stinger at her, she hissed in pain as it caught her leg. She felt a strange numbness spread from the wound. She felt her teeth in determination and slashed her sword at the sides, landing a blow on its face. It lunged at her as she made a stabbing motion,  catching it between the eyes. It fell dead, she stumbled back, holding her leg as she lost all feeling in it, she could not move it and it continued to spread. She heard strange click filled hiss. She looked up and saw two more spiders descending upon her. Dread filled her, knowing her mother was right, she should have stayed out of the forest. She hobbled around on one functioning leg. She waved the sword in front of her to keep the spiders at a distance. She managed to slice an eye of one of them, the numbness spread up to her arm, luckily not her sword arm. She could not hold them off for much longer, she hobbled back, falling back. One of the spiders lunged forward…. But suddenly fell back, dead. She looked up and saw an elvish arrow protruding from the head of the spider. A shape jumped on from of her, keeping the other spider at bay. It was a golden haired elf, a bow drawn back with an arrow that was quickly loosed, killing the second spider. The elf turned to face her, sheathing his bow around his torso. He had piercing blue eyes, sharp handsome features, something about him was familiar. He spoke in a quiet voice, “You cannot take on a nest of spiders on your own,” he sounded almost amused. His eyes traveled over her body, seeing the sting wound, his eyes narrowed slightly, “And you have injured yourself, come I will take you to the healers.”

The numbness continued to spread, “No….,” she struggled to speak, “I must return to my mother and… company.”

“Nonsense, you are clearly delirious with poison,” he said dismissively, he bent down and scooped her up and walked deeper into the forest.

        ***********           ***********

The numbness had taken over her entire body, rendering her completely paralyzed. The elf carried her, her eyes could not even move, but she saw they entered an extravagant building. Going through many halls, he finally set her on a bed. A healer, having had the situation explained to them, administered the antidote. It took a few minutes before she could move again. She managed to sit up. She got off the bed and walked to the doorway, she looked both ways down the hall, seeing no on there. She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind, just as her mother had taught her. She saw that she was in dead in a vast city, the mysterious kingdom. She sensed many minds of the elves, some glowed brighter than others, one glowed beyond all others.  Curiosity driving her, she pressed father and followed the mind as it was approached by a slightly lesser light approached it, she recognized the golden haired elf that had saved her. She watched for a few moments, before she realized they were on their way here. She opened her eyes, seeing what is in front of her only now, she saw a room across from her and ran to the door, silently opening the door, she saw it was empty and slipped inside closing the door. She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind and saw that they were in the hallway where she was, approaching. She waited until the were at the door of where she had been. She peeked out the door, and saw that the vast light that represented the mind of the mysterious being. It was a tall fair haired male elf, every step radiated royal dignity. He wore a crown of leaves and berries, his robed war silver with gold vine like decor. The younger elf from earlier spoke to him in elvish.

“I tell you father, I have not seen this elf before yet she appears part Sindarin, perhaps she hails from Lothlórien, for Rivendell does not travel this far often, especially alone.”

“Legolas,” the tall fair elf spoke in a deep alluring voice, ancient yet young, but it was obvious this elf has been around for a long time, “The elves of Lothlórien rarely venter out of their homeland, it may just be a wanderer, as rare as that is, it is not unheard of,” he said sounding slightly dismissive.

Legolas opened the door, “But I cannot help but think there is something familiar about this she elf.”

The father of Legolas peered into the room, appearing unimpressed and even a little annoyed, “Son there is no one in this room, I do not have time for your games.

Legolas appeared shocked and looked into the room, walking in, looking all around, “I swear there was a she elf, she has recovered from the poison already, she must be somewhere here in the palace,” he insisted.

The father turned to leave, “Well once you find this imaginary she elf, do come and let me know,” he said turning and began walking away, he paused suddenly, seeing movement in the corner of his eye.

Thalia moved away from the door as the elf turned toward the room she was in. Her mind racing, she quickly transformed into a beautiful blue bird, she was fluttering around, trying to appear non suspicious. The elf slowly opened the door to the room, at first seeing nothing, and then noticed the blue bird. He appeared confused as he watched the bird fly around, he walked into the room, he sensed something familiar about the bird, something from a time long past, he whispered a single name, so softly it was almost missed by Thalia, “Luriel…?” Thalia paused in flight hovering before the elf before suddenly flying out of the room. The elf spun around and ran out of the room, just seeing the tail of the bird as it zipped around the corner.

“My Lord Thranduil? Is everything well with you?” a voice came behind him, he glanced back to see one of his attendants.

“Yes I am well,” he said walking into the room Legolas was in, still looking around confused, “Legolas, take me where you found the elf,” he said.

Legolas looked up surprise, “You wish to go into a nest of spiders?”

“Did you see her anywhere else?” Thranduil asked.

“I watched her and her company from the edge of the forest, they are still camped. I can lead you to there,” legolas said.

“Then let us go, I will meet you at the entrance of the kingdom.” Thranduil said, and left to prepare. If his suspicions were correct he may find what he is looking for.

      ************      **************

Thalia flew above the trees and saw she had only a few hours before sunrise, she dived down, flying back to where the camp was, she landed just in the tree line and transformed back to her elven form, she looked to her injured leg, her hands glowed soft orange light, healing it completely, then her hand glowed a purple light and her leggings repaired themselves and cleaned the blood off. She pulled off any remaining spider webs and snuck back into camp, she saw the Luriel was now on guard duty and was staring up at the stars. She slipped back into her bed roll. Luriel cast a glance, hearing moment, but in the darkness she saw nothing, she went back to gazing at the sky.

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