Fun Facts about Luriel and Thalia

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Though she resembles some what like an elf, she does not share any characteristics with them. She can fall ill to sickness. She is affected by cold or heat, not as sensitive as humans though. She requires sleep like humans, and can grow fatigued from strenuous activities. She simply has greater stamina then humans. Note that she is not more powerful then the istari. It may seem that way since she uses her powers a lot more. The reason is she is not restricted by the Valar like the wizards are. They were sent to counsel and assist the people of middle earth, not over power them. Because she is half Maiar and half skin changer, she can shape shift into any animal, but she had favored only a few, mainly birds. She does not know If she is mortal or not, but she can be killed via illness or injury. Her ability to use magic is dependent on her strength, if she is weakened in battle or illness she is extremely limited in what she can do. As long as she has the strength to maintain the spell she will.

Now her healing ability is a little fickle. The more gravious the wound the more it takes out of her to heal. It takes less energy to take the pain away then it does to heal the wound. By taking the pain she is essentially taking into herself, therefore she has an extremely high pain tolerance as she would do this freely to help those around her. Wounds that could not be healed, like the wounds on Thranduil caused by dragon fire, she can transfer them onto herself.  As she did, but now she has to live with such injuries. When she took most of Thranduil’s injury on his arm and torso, it caused her hand to constantly shake. She used an illusion spell to hide the grevious scars, but the shaking remained. When she is weakened or using most of her strength for a spell or healing. The illusion with falter.


Her heritage is 1/4 Maiar 1/4 skin changer and 1/2 elf. She is not as powerful as her mother, but cannot fall to illness like her. Her elven heritage allows her to go days without rest, and nearly unlimited stamina. She has a choice of living a mortal life or living forever. Like her mother, she can take more then one form, but unlike her mother, she is restricted to normal sized animals. You won't see her change into a giant eagle or dragon. All of her animals are white. To change to a different colored animal is rare Her powers, magic wise, are more connected to nature then her mother. Because of her elven heritage she has that connection to nature.

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