Thranduil's Recovery

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It had been three days of constantly washing the wounds. Elrond had just finished the long cleaning process and was cleaning up the mess it had made. Gathering the soiled bandages and such, when a soft groan filled the room. Elrond looked up at Thranduil to see him stir slightly. Elrond set the things in his arms down, and walked over to his side, "Thranduil?" he asked.

Thranduil slowly opened his right eye, as he realized his left was covered, "Elrond?" his voice was croaked from lack of use.

"Yes, it is I," he said.

"Where am I....? What happened?" Thranduil asked, his eyes staring intently at the other elf.

"You are safe within Greenwood, and you are on the mend, I expect you to be back on your feet within a week, though, you will bear the scars for the rest of time, there is nothing I can do about them."

Thranduil closed his eyes and sighed. The pain was number slightly but the mixture Elrond had been running into the burns.

"Legolas worries for you," Elrond said softly.

Thranduil opened his eyes again, "Is he still well?" Thranduil asked in concert trying to sit up, as if to go and find his son, he winced heavily. Elrond gently rested his hands on Thranduil's shoulder and pushed him back down.

"Easy mellon-nín, you are still recovering, give your wounds a few more days and then Legolas can see you." Elrond said soothingly. His eyes full of understanding and sympathy.

Thranduil looked at Elrond with his good eye, his grey blue eye was full of frustrated anger.

Elrond sighed quietly, "Rest now Thranduil, you are in desperate need of it," he turned and left the prince alone to his thoughts.

Thranduil stared at the ceiling of his room. All that filled his mind was the memories, flying through the air, his blades slippery with the blood of whole he now knew was Luriel. The searing pain he felt, and the sorrow that pulled at his heart once he saw what she had become and what she had done. It slowly turned to anger, but his mind tired, slowly fell back into the blackness of sleep.

********* *******

He ran, ran as fast as his long legs would carry him. He saw the dragon reach out towards his son.

"NO! LEGOLAS!" he called, but he was not fast enough. He saw Arieal race ahead of him, going faster than he had ever seen her go. She bolted over the dragon's tail and shoved Legolas out of the way, the dragon's savage claws grabbed her instead.

"Thranduil!" Arieal screeched in terror, her eyes wide in borrow as a shadow began covering the dragon turning it pure black, it suddenly consumed Arieal.

"ARIEAL!" Thranduil cried. The black dragon slowly turned towards him, and suddenly surrounded him in shadows, he could see nothing but darkness. He heard the dragon's snarls around him.

He saw movement in the corner of his eyes and saw Luriel walk out of the darkness. She wore a torn white dress that was stained heavily in blood, her eyes were pure black, she had a sinister smile on her face.

"Thranduil.......... You have failed...." She spoke, her voice hushed by the darkness yet echoed.with multiple voices, "You have lost everything......." She paused her smile faltering before growing more sinister, "No not everything..... not yet anyway....."

"Luriel? Why have you done this?" Thranduil cried out to her, but she had began walking back into the darkness, facing him at all times, before she was consumed by blackness. He suddenly heard a cry which made his heart stop.

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