chapter 2 picnic woods

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After Foo Foo killed and ate guy there were lots of RRs (rabbit resistance) around so she moved into picnic woods, now in the middle of picnic woods is the perfect picnic spot but... if you dont stay on the path you are doooooooomed.
One day there was a little kid named Franky now Franky WAS STUPID VERY STUPID!! his grandmother took care of him her name was Granny, Granny HATED Franky she hated bunnies too every day she would feed him beet greens seasoned with dried poop moldy cheese and soap his school was extremely hard algebra he did not know what one answer was and if he got one wrong his gluteus maxamis would get banged up with a buzzoka or a sledgehammer his chorus was cleaning Grannys monster truck it took hours.
Franky decided to go have a picnic so he asked Granny he said "Granny can i have a picnic?" at first granny said NO! !! but then she thought a bit she had a unpleasant smile on her face and said " of course honey why NOT!!.... hehehehe the best place for that is picnic woods.... BUT you have to make sure that you dont follow the path avoid it at all costs... people die on it all the time muhhahaha " "YAY" franky yelled.
Granny made his lunch it was a rotten salami sandwich with extra mold she drove him in the monster truck and then dropped him off and gave him a phone she said "call me if a bunny attacks you hehehe" then she drove off, then Franky walked into the woods avoiding the path soon he saw a wanted poster it said "Foo Foo dead or alive 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000$ if you see here call 911 immediately we will send a helicopter to get her hopefully your not dead. " franky ignored it soon he saw a black bunny franky ignored the half eaten half rotten dead guy next to her and he pet her Foo Foo licked him too see if he was tasty she almost barfed(even though bunnies cant barf) he said "awwww you given me kisses" so she decided to kill him for fun but then she saw the phone he was holding so she decided to scare him so much that he calls 911 so she can have more fun then she walked off into the bushes he went towards the bush and said "dont go you cutie pie" then she jumped at him with a scary face he almost pooped his pants and he called Granny and the Rabbit Resistance and ran then 5 seconds later he saw lights it was Grannys monster truck it smashed the trees down and Franky yelled "YA.." BAM!!!!!!!! granny squashed him with the MONSTER TRUCK!!!!!! then the world heard "WAHHAHAHa MUWAHAHA YEA WOooHOooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then she got out of the car and shot a bullet at Foo Foo with her buzzoka but just in time Foo Foo shot a bunny poop at the bullet BAM!!! it broke the sound bairer and then BOOOM!!!! the buzzoka bullet and the bunny poop hit each other and they broke into a google pieces then the rrs came granny ordered them to fire all the bullets at Foo Foo but Foo Foo was too quick she killed them all and ran into her hole Granny drove off in the monster truck she knew that she couldn't get Foo Foo in her hole. THE END of chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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