Paint It Purple

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"Hey, Tae, what color should I tint the roses?" You questioned while your fingers grazed over the canvas, the once blank-space filled with carefully sketched graphite flowers.

"Purple," Taehyung firmly responds, his soft eyes sure that the color would fill in the roses nicely.

"What's with you and the color purple? Why do you love it so much?" You softly giggle. It was true. Taehyung loved the color purple dearly, yet you never knew why.

His chocolate-colored orbs overflowed with a sentiment that you have never seen in him before.

Love. Romantically.

The feeling that lust is easily mistaken for. Yet, his eyes don't say, "I want your body," or "I'm hungry for you", rather, it was as if he was about to say something nostalgic or bring up a memory that made him feel warm.

"Don't you remember? Purple was the color of the dress you were wearing when we first met."

"Oh," you squeaked out, mentally amazed of how he remembered such a small detail.

"I know we've been friends for a while now, 7 years to be exact. We first interacted in middle school. You were the only girl I fell in love with at first sight," he chuckled before sighing, continuing.

"I could literally feel warmth and kindness emitting off of you... Hence, from that day on, I declared to myself, the color purple is the color of love. I 'purple' you, Y/N."

You both chuckled, followed by pulling into a light hug.

Wait, Taehyung just confessed.

Heat rose to your face, and a cute, embarrassed smile replaced your calm one.


His deep, mellow voice caused your gaze to avert to his eyes.

"I think I'll change my old theory."

"Huh?" your head tilted a bit, wondering on what the apparent color of the simple shade of purple will mean to him now.

"Purple... Purple is the color of us."


Hey! I hope y'all enjoyed, its pretty short. Buuuuutttttt and a very big but (😏),  I'm currently working on a one shot that is over five thousand words and counting, so expect that. I hope you have a great day/night, wherever you are!

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