Golden Maknae

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Soccer has always been a sport of leisure to you, a way to let off steam.

You kick a ball around, everything is a bit dull for the first few minutes, until a goal is scored; then everyone goes haywire and suddenly, it's not about the fun anymore, it's not about blowing off steam, it's about beating the other team and pounding them into the ground six feet under.

Your opponents screaming "NOOOO!" and kicking dirt around aggressively while your team's voices were used for cheers of victory and hollers of euphoria is constantly music to your ears, and you always find your voice mixed in with the blend of victorious yells.

It was always a pleasure and honor to have you on someone's team; you're the little athletic gem that is the golden key to success in no matter what you do.

Everything you perform or achieve is executed with elegance, accuracy and sheer power.

You're an over-achiever.

Which is why your family calls you the Golden Maknae, as you're able to excel in any category and are the youngest in your family, the last one to carry out the inherited name of your family.

Which is why this turn of events have left a unpleasant taste in your mouth. You seem to be in the kind of situation where you're facing your own kind.

He's on the guy's soccer team; that's a known fact. The whole female population at your university lusts after him, and totally kisses his ass.

Or his cleats.

Either way, you find yourself slightly intimidated but determined to keep a confident and adamant facade, as his height towered over yours, his shadow freezing up your pride, and his confident and adamant facade didn't seem like an actual facade.

It was legit sure-mindedness.

Jeon Juancock here is totally confident he could kick your ass to Mars in a game of soccer.

Though his sharp and handsome features were overpowered with an egocentric vibe, his small yet smooth rosy lips were upturned in a small smile, as if he couldn't help but beam at your cute stature or 'adorably' angry determination.

He already felt bad for you, as he already thought you were bound to lose. In comparison to him, you're just a small girl whose strength is currently being driven by your boiling blood, not pure power.

You haven't seen me on a field yet, asshole, Were your thoughts. You two have tied this entire time, and everyone has gotten tired and decided to clear the field so that only the two playing are you and Jungkook.

After all, only the two of you have been scoring goals for your teams this entire time.

Behind Jungkook, you begin to hear the chants of six other boys and some of his other friends, and your eyes dart to those of a guy you know as Kim Seokjin, who rouses everyone to start chanting "Golden Maknae!" on your opponents behalf.

You start to hear slightly higher pitched cheering behind you as well, causing your head to whip around to face your friends screaming out "Golden Maknae!" as well in response.

Jungkook cocked an eyebrow at this. "Oh?"

You deadpan his curiosity as quickly as humanly possible. "I'm a Golden Maknae too, asshat."

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