Chapter 3: "He is extraordinary"

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We were walking down a little boulevard with fountain and talking about different things, like movies, music and food. I found out that Peter's parents were dead and he lived with his aunt May.

He found out that my mom was dead and I had moved from LA to NY to study biochemistry. I suppose he was impressed. He even said that it was very brave of me to leave my home town. Well, my pride was satisfied.

We decided not to go to the restaurant, but to takeaway some McDonalds food. It was hilarious to look at him, trying to nip a bigger piece of burger than I did. He didn't succeed.

Then we bought some more coffee and ice-cream. He finally asked me to sit somewhere down, and I was glad to say 'OH YES!' because walking under the boiling hot sun isn't a very nice thing. My head was just burning when I touched it.

"Well, we talked a lot about music," he started. I nodded, "So, do you play any of musical instruments?"

"Um, I play guitar and piano," I said, feeling a little bit shy.

I wondered why he had asked me about my musical talents. I had never meet a boy, who asks a girl about this. Well, Peter did ask me about this, and I felt a bit strange.

"That's cool," he slurped some coffee.


"You must write songs."

I sighed.

"I tried, but... Never mind."

"No tell me!" he became curious at once.

I looked at him reproachfully, but finally answered.

"Well, when I was sixteen mom got cancer, so I have up music," I stared at him expectantly.

I was really interested in what he was going to say.

"Well, you could express your sadness through your songs," he shrugged.

I was taken aback the second time that day. I thought he would try to sympathize, or pity me, but he just decided to change the topic of our talk. He saw it was difficult for me to talk on that. He might be the most astute person ever. I couldn't help but smile.

"Peter Parker!" I slightly pushed his shoulder, "You are the most interesting living being ever!"

Then we both started to laugh as hard as we could. Peter even almost spilled his coffee. And my ice-cream almost fell to the ground. When Peter finally stopped nickering, he looked at me with eyes filled with trust. With friendly trust, if you know what I mean.

"What do you mean by saying that?" Peter repeated my thoughts.

"Well," I coughed to clean my throat, "Most of people would try to pretend like they're sorry my mom got cancer, an so on, but you... You just said 'ok, girl, go write a song 'bout it.' It's interesting. You don't act like normal boy."

Peter slurped his coffee again and looked at me with big doe eyes again. I smiled, melting.

"Well, you don't even know how extraordinary I am!"

"I'll try to find it out," I nodded, stupidly smiling.

"Deal," he shook my hand.

I looked at my arm clock. It was a quarter to five, so we had to get back to the university. I sighed disappointedly. Peter looked as me, like asking what was wrong.

"We gotta go," I answered.

Peter nodded and threw his empty coffee glass to the bin.

So, we headed back to university. After all the classes, Peter said goodbye and just ran away.

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