Chapter 5: "The truth lies in his past"

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I tidied up the whole flat, did my makeup again, wore my best jeans and t-shirt on, brushed my hair and even sprayed some fragrance onto my body, but I still felt like something was wrong. I felt like I missed something.

I nervously pulled my clothes and fidgeted on my sofa. The clock showed 5 pm, so Peter should have come in several minutes. And so he did.

When I heard the doorbell ringing I was about to jump through my window like Scott from 'Scott Pilgrim vs. The World' did. But then I hit myself in my thoughts. What was I afraid of? Of facing the boy I'd met the day before?

"It's not in your style, Cas," I adored calling myself with Castiel's shortened name.

So, what WAS my style? My style was to avoid cool boys, never let them invite me on a date or buy me flowers. So I promised myself not to fall into Peter Parker. But it was a promise I couldn't keep. Anyway, those were the best kind.

I opened the door and saw Peter with a big paper bag, smelling like something Chinese. I squinted and smiled slyly.

"If I get fat, it's gonna be your fault!" I stepped aside, inviting Peter to my flat.

"Ok, I see. You want to make me guilty, so I have to do something like that too," he smiled, hanging his parka on the little hook.

"Like what? Wanna make me suffer?" I asked, laughing.

Even though I tried to joke, Peter became serious at once. He stared at me with a glance full of cold anger and disbelief. I somehow thought of Gwen Stacy again. It turned out that her death had left too deep scars on his heart and soul.

"Never, please, never say anything like that again! You don't even know..," he started to breathe harder, "How many walls inside me I break, seeing you anywhere after university!"

I took his hand and felt how he shuddered.

"Peter, listen, what's past is past! Don't let it break your heart! Don't try to protest when somebody is trying to fix you!" I remarked my two favorite Coldplay songs.

"Are you trying to fix me?" he smiled a little.

"If you don't mind," I shrugged.

"Cassie Wright, I would be glad to be fixed by you!" he nodded, smiling.

Suddenly, I did something I didn't expect myself to do. I hugged him gently, and his shoulders as softly as I could. I felt his hands on my waist and his head on my shoulders.

"That's what friends are supposed to do!" I finally said.


I was glad to hear that we were friends. He didn't even asked anything like 'wow, are we friends?' It was nice to hear.

We set the table and started to eat the food he brought.

"So, tell me everything you wanted to tell," I started to talk.

"Well, you know, my parents are not very loved in Oscorp, as you've already found out. They made some researches, based on genetic crossbreeding. Their aim was to help injured and disabilited. They worked with professor Connors, but when they died, all the information about decay rate algorithm was lost. Connors tried to do some researches himself but he failed. I solved that equation, and he made an experiment on himself. That's how the Lizard appeared in our city. Thanks God, Spider-man saved us."

"But captain Stacy died, didn't he?" I asked, putting a piece of curry chicken in my mouth.

Peter nodded sullenly.

"Well, my dad and he had worked together before we moved to LA. We always moved back and forth between LA and NY. Dad now is in LA. I finished primary school in LA, secondary school in NY, high school again in LA and now I'm here. It was kinda difficult, because while I was in LA, my friends here forgot about me, and vice versa."

Peter nodded again.

"So, I haven't told everything yet. My parents often worked with spiders."

A crazy question came into my head.

"Do you mean Spidey..."

"Yes. I think he knew my dad."

Peter seemed to lie a little. But I wasn't sure at all. After listening all the story I came to the conclusion that working in Oscorp was a way much more dangerous than working in the coal mines.

We finished eating and I put all the dishes in the washing machine. I wanted Peter to stay with me a little longer, but I didn't know how to ask him about that.

"Have you ever watched 'Dallas Buyers Club'?" I asked.

"No. Never."

I suggested watching that movie, because I heard many good reviews about it. We took a warm blanket and sat down. Peter put his arm around me and I felt my cheeks turn red. It wasn't very comfortable to sit down like that with a boy who I actually fell in love with.

The movie was really tragic. In the middle of it I felt my eyes turn wet, and when Jared Leto's character, Rayon, died, I started to cry. Peter hugged me with one hand.

After the movie was over we went to the roof. The sky was clear and I saw a rising moon. Peter leaned on the steel fencing and looked down at the crowded street. He leaned a little more, and I felt a bit scared.

"Peter, why don't you jump over there?" I asked sarcastically.

He looked at me as if he wanted to tell me something.

"You know, even If I fall down I don't think something's gonna happen to me!"

"What?" I laughed.

"Look, do you remember. I told you my father worked with spiders?" he asked, and I nodded, "He joined his DNA to the spiders' one. That's why spiders' bites are not dangerous only to his relatives."

I finally started to understand and slowly made one step back. If Peter had appeared to be Spider-man, I wouldn't have known how to react on that!

"You are..."

"I am," he nodded, "I am that cool buddy in the blue and red spandex suit!"

I felt tears rolling down my face. I didn't know why I felt so scared, but I really wanted to jump away like Scott Pilgrim then. Peter came closer and hugged me, and I couldn't even move. He asked me not to cry, but i couldn't. He was the reason Gwen and her dad died. He was the reason Green Goblin almost died. He leaded double-life. A very dangerous double-life. And. I fell in love with him. I escaped from his clutches, but he grabbed my arm, pulled me closer and kissed me.

It was a very gentle kiss, like if he was checking how mad I was. But when he kissed me, my madness suddenly aired. I wanted to stay like that forever. I put my arms around his neck, and he put his ones around my waist. Our kiss became more passionate. It was kinda intense and deep. His lips were very soft and I still could feel the taste of the caramel ice-cream we ate. Peter put his hands a little below.

My knees were too weak, so I began to fall, but he caught me. We broke our kiss, but I still was inside his arms, so the evening cold didn't get to me. I put one of my hands around my neck and our faces appeared to be in two centimeters.

"Why do I always kiss girls on the roofs?" he exclaimed.

"What's past is past!" I reminded, giving him a small kiss again.

"You promised to fix me too!"

"I know," I said.

And I would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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