Meant To Be Heros - Chapter 2 (?)

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Àvtí landed onto the gravel below him and smiled smelling the air. "Food," he moaned. His green hair bounced with every step as he walked through the crowds of people walking around and standing by the stands that sat out in the sun. Following his nose he found a stand that showcased different types of food.

"What would you like today?" A small and, most likely older male covered in dark pieces of clothing, asked with a smile. "I honestly have no idea. You sure do put in a lot of work in your dishes and it surprises me every time!" Àvtí smiled smelling the steam that came off the plates of food. "Well I'll tell you what, I'll give you a free sweet if you take the one that my wife made and tell me how good it is." Àvtí looked at the man for a short while then smiled, "deal!" The man smiled back and handed Àvtí a plate of what looked like a white pale fish. Happily, Àvtí took it into his hands and piled off the meat off the rice that sat upon it, and ate it.

"So, how is it?" The man asked. Still chewing Àvtí answered, "It's delicious!" He choked hearing something that wasn't quite familiar. His eyes widening in surprise as he cleared his throat, "was...was that me?" He jolted backwards both afraid and amazed at the difference in his voice, how it vibrated throughout his throat with thickness that rolled easily off.

"Ah that my boy is what we call a Tune" "a tune?" "You know, like how you play the Skinn, the sound that it makes is what we call a tune so when we found this fish and ate it we named it after a tune." Àvtí opened his mouth to speak but the man beat him to it as if already knowing what he was going to ask, "don't worry kid, it only lasts a while—a whole moon or two." "Here's that sweet I promised," he handed the green haired male a small cake. "Thanks..." Àvtí spoke in almost of a whisper and a plead, trying to maintain the accent as he took the sweet. This was going to be a long week.

"Àvtí," Erebus waved his hand in front of his friends face. "Hm?!" Àvtí hummed loudly in response of fright as he didn't realize that he has spaced out. "You've been awfully quiet ever since you've came. You were happy not too long ago, what's bothering you?" Erebus asked putting down the sword that he was making then looked straight into his friend's eyes.

Àvtí sighed rubbing his stomach. Erebus looked at him strangely, "are you hungry?" He asked slowly. Àvtí shook his head but continued to rub his stomach as he tried singling that he ate something bad. Once again his red haired friend didn't understand for he shrugged, "listen I can't help you if you don't talk to me." Àvtí, already getting feed up with the silent talking, threw his hands in the air, his voice coming out with the same sensation as before, "That's what I'm tryin' to tell ye!" The room feel silent as the vibration was traveling off the walls with the thick accent that arose from the green winged male. His checks flustered by the embarrassing tone and his mouth covered by both of his hands that wished to stay glued onto the skin unless it was ripped off.

Soon the room was filled with deep laughter and the awkward silence disappeared. "That is," Erebus breathed in as he tried to stop laughing, "the most adorable thing that could possibly happen to you!" Àvtí removed his hands and looked at his friend with the same expression he gave him not too long ago, "adorable?" Erebus nodded his head as he smiled.

"This seems more like a curse," Àvtí groaned rubbing the front and the back of his neck as he sat down on a wooden chair. "You ate something didn't you? I did tell you to stop going to that Market if you're always going to end up at that stand with the odd looking food and people, with there odd language and clothing," Erebus shivered at the thought of it, "they're nice but they cause a lot of trouble..." "But the food is so good," Àvtí muttered as he slumped over on the table. Hearing his friends response, Erebus chuckled shaking his head as he grabbed onto his unfinished sword.

The silence fell back onto the two males, but neither bothered with it for Àvtí knew he shouldn't bother Erebus whenever he was working on the weapons and armor. His green eyes focused on his friend when they put the sword into the fire. The room instantly illuminated into the crimson red and orange as a spark of the fire would dance in the air for as long as it possibly could. In Àvtí's mind everything seemed to slow down. It was  almost like a dream.

"Àvtí," Erebus shook the green haired male trying his best to do it gently. He paused for a moment as he looked at him. Àvtí reminded Erebus of a painting, a very beautiful and fragile one. Focusing back on the task he had he shook Àvtí once again. Failing at his attempts he gave in picking up his friend and placing him on a more comfortable, softer piece of wood to rest on in a different room. "You're welcome," Erebus whispered. Àvtí's loud snore started up as if it were a response. The red haired male couldn't resist the smile that creep into his lips. "Good night."


LP: I hope you enjoyed this second chapter I know its not real good but I thought maybe throwing in on a small detail on how humans were created and why some have accents with change happening was a good idea. Anyways I hopefully will be posting again this coming weekend but I may be busy because I am working on a coseplay costume for a Con that's happening soon. It's at the Big Fresno Fair grounds and I'll be going as JackieBoyMan! I'm super excited for it :3 but I will put out the next chapter. Well that's it for now so I will see you all on the flip side, bye!

LP Out!


The Skinn: it's an instrument that can be played; almost like a drum.

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