Meant To Be Heros - Chapter 3

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(A/N: Oops sorry for not posting waaay sooner!)

"I see that you finally decided to come back home Àvtí," his father grumbled as he heard the beads that hang above the entrance move against each other. The young male chuckled nervously as he was frozen in place, "sorry." "Come here son," he demanded and Àvtí obeyed. Entertaining the room that his father sat in he saw that he was working on something. The man patted the ground, singling for Àvtí to sit down and so he did. His green eyes focused on the wood carving his father was doing. "I was told by Erebus's grandfather that you had a lovely over night rest in their home." Àvtí's head dropped, "Erebus said it was fine." "Erebus is not the head of the home. I thought I taught you better, Àvtí," his father glanced at him with a frown. "It won't happen again, I promise."

Àvtí's father put down the piece of wood he was working on and looked up at him with a small smile. "It's fine," he patted him on the shoulder than stretched, "anyways aren't you supposed to go somewhere today?" Àvtí stared at his father blankly than his eyes widened, "oh! That's right, thanks for reminding me!" He quickly got off the floor and into another room to search for something. His father laughed slightly and before Àvtí could move the beads out of his way, his father called his name once more. He stopped and looked at his dad, "stop going to that Market." Àvtí's heart ached hearing that but he nodded and went on his way towards somewhere else. 

Àvtí's green wings were tucked in close to his back as he crawled through a small gap. "I think I'm getting too big for this," he grunted. Soon, finally having enough space to spread out his wings and body, he stood up and dusted off the dirt that stuck to his clothing through the process of cramping up his fragile wings in a small opening. He moved his green hair out of his face than walked over to a large ledge. Taking a look around, he saw the familiar carvings and stone-rocky walls that made it seem like a cave.

Looking up he saw a whole were all the sun came through but it wasn't very much, but enough to not have the place be pitch black. Vines and tree branches, as well as flowers and plants, grew both along the walls and ground below. If he could, he would go down to greet the butterflies that stayed still on the flowers, but sadly the drop down would seem endless for it barely had enough light for the flowers to grow up and his green wings still ached slightly from the crawl. So deciding that it would be best for him to not go down, he stayed where he sat, but still enjoyed the sites of everything.

He breathed in smelling the fresh air with a smile and exhaled slowly. As he continued to look around until his eyes caught a glimpse of a very low glow coming from the corner of the ledge, he stood up and began to walk slowly over to it. Seeing that it was slightly covered in leaves, he swiped them away and picked it up. "Fruit," Àvtí smiled. He carried it with him to the edge and sat down. He held it in his hands as it continued to glow a blue shade. The round ball felt soft and squishy, but hard enough to hold itself together.

He stared at it for awhile than brought it to his lips. Before even bitting into it he felt a sudden blast of hot air flow onto the back half of his body. That was no regular air. Àvtí swallowed hard as he tried looking for something close to protect himself with who'll putting the fruit down slowly beside him. Seeing a stick close enough, he breathed in softly and as quickly as he grabbed and pointed it at the thing behind him. His green eyes widened seeing the feathered creature that hovered over him like he was a bug to be stepped on. It stood 15-19 feet tall and it's black eyes stared directly into Àvtí. Once looking at it a little more closely, he saw that It's form was a combination of a Gryphon and a house pet, but most importantly he realized that this creature wasn't a threat at all, it was his friend.

"Tiki!" Àvtí said letting go of the air he didn't know that he was holding, "don't scare me like that." He sighed letting one of his hands go from the grip he had on the stick and placed it where his heart was. Feeling like the beat of it was a million times faster than usual, he breathed in and out slowly to calm himself. While Àvtí was trying to even his breath, Tiki sniffed his small green haired friend. Àvtí chuckled, and finally able to get air through his lungs correctly he dropped the stick and petted his furry winged friend. It purred at the soft kind touch that his friend gave him and made a noise, it's horn glowed a beautiful blue color as it did so.

"You're hungry?" Àvtí questioned, "I left you over 180 bags of fruit last time I came to visit." Tiki grunted in response it's horn glowing again. "Mhm," Àvtí said crossing his arms giving his big friend a look. Tiki stared into the Àvtí's eyes as it made a low whining sound until Àvtí threw his hands up in the air in defeat. "Fine alright you win." Tiki's ears raised and made a sound of excitement. Àvtí patted his friend and bent down to grab the fruit that he had dropped. "Here you can have this for now and we'll go hunting today for something else. How does that sound?" Àvtí patted Tiki's chest as he handed him the glowing fruit.

Tiki took the fruit than ate it whole it's horn glowing a bit brighter but than faded as it swallowed the fruit. Àvtí smiled, "than its settled." He grabbed onto its leg and climbed up to it's back, sitting down and petting it's head, he smiled and pointed up, "let's go!" Tiki's winged spread out as it steeped back to get a better angle of the whole above them. Tiki flew up and climbed out and into the outside world.


LP: Anyone want to know my excuse for not updating sooner? No? Okay than I'll get on with the usual. Thank you all for reading this and if you can Vote, Share and Comment, I would gladly appreciate it. All the words underlined will be below this and just to let you know that the "Dictionary of the Dragons" (that's what I'll be calling it for now on) is just for you to feel more connected to their cutler and word phrase (i think that's what it's called idk) that they say in their time and age. So if any questions on anything just ask away and I will get to it. Also thank you to for the sweet and nice comments, you know who you are ;). Anyways, that's it for now and I will see you all on the flip side, bye!

LP Out!

of the Dragons

Gryphon: a big feathered bird
House Pet: a smaller animal with either horns or pointed ears that is well trained and is kept to protect the family and or it's owner (most likely a goat)

I would like to know what else you guys would like to read more of. I will have Bonus Chapters later on maybe if we hit 100 reads (which we're really close to) and it'll be maybe when Àvtí and Erebus were kids or something, idk. But yeah, give me some inspiration or ideas and I will give credit. And if you're a writer too and good at grammar and whatever, I would love to work with you on this. You could add me and Instagram @the.real_jackie_boyman (any one of you can still follow me if not) and DM me and I'll get back to you about it. Okay? Okay, well I hope you have a great rest of your day!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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