Chapter Three ~ Surrounded By Strangers

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ok soo we find out a little bit more about the pack



~a love creating buggy~

~Nate's POV~ 

Oh shoot! What just happened? She can't have just done what I think I saw. It's impossible for someone at that age. She was fifteen for goodness' sake that's way too old for her to phase. I smiled the elders will have a fit when they find out. But what do I do until then? I felt my self control slipping and my body growing in every way. My vision blurred for a second and when it cleared everything looked bright and I could see every detail. I looked down at my cousin's body. The poor girl fainted from the effort and shock. Though that was a great effort for her first time. The first time I phased I remember crying and begging them to take the pain away. It lasted for an hour. I focused my mind and picked up another awareness.

"Hemi? Can you hear me?" I concentrated on projecting my thoughts

"Dude you know I can. Why do you bother asking?" I sighed Hemi was pretty unreliable. He was funny and had a way of making the mood lighter but he didn't know how to be serious.

"Anyway, I need your help with something. Start making your way to my house" I was fidgeting nervously eyeing Emi with concern

"Okey-Dokey" he said. I phased back and picked up my cousin. She would not be happy when she woke and saw where we were. I guess I'll be the one to take care of her and start teaching her how to control herself. Noone else would 

I kicked off my shoes and carried her inside. Kara was sitting in front of the T.V so I laid Emi down on the couch. Kara looked at me curiously and shrugged. She knew if I was doing something wrong Lara would make sure she told me. And sure enough Ronan and Lara walked in followed by Lucas. They all stopped and stared. I pretended not to notice. DAMN where was Hemi?

"Has someone died?" I heard a familiar voice ask

"No you idiot we're just waiting for you" I replied

Lara snarled "Is that what we're doing? Cause I was trying to figure out when we started bringing trash into the house"

"Lara not now ok because I'm just a little pissed. And by the way it's my house and that will be the first and last time you insult my cousin"

"Lara, Nate's right. Just shut-up for a second so Nate can explain." Ronan cut in looking at me

"Well I was on a run and I saw Emi being attacked by bikies at a gas station! So I scared them off and well....she can explain the rest I think"

We looked down and saw her fidget on the couch. She was rolling over when she rolled right off the couch. Of course clumsy Emi was still the same. Lara snorted and folded her arms. Emi groaned and looked up.

"What? Where am I?" she must have remembered what happened because she looked down to inspect her body. Satisfied she looked up at me.

"Nate I had the worst dream that I had...fur" I heard Ronan, Lucas and Hemi gasp quietly. Lara however growled and stormed out. Her facial was priceless I thought happily.

"Emi we need to talk...your father, our elders and the whole family have a gene. It enables us to transform and phase into animals. However our tribe chose wolves back in the day. So now we-the new pack of this area-phase into wolves." I wasn't sure how she'd take this

"Ok I need to go I don't have time for this crap"

"Emi just listen. When you're angry or too emotional you will phase. Now that you have unlocked it you can't ignore it or you'll end up hurting someone."

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