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Come and be my love baby
I stand still with my head full of thoughts
Don't know if I'm doing the right thing
Well, whatever
I must have gone crazy

This is my number
Should I hand a note and run
What should I do

Now's the time
Girl you can do it
Our eyes are meeting
Love is timing

If I miss it I'd regret it
Love is coming.
Take a little more courage
Don't hesitate anymore

I can't help it, cuz I fell for you
You're my heart shaker
Don't wanna lose you
You're in my heart
What should I do

I won't wait like a fool
I'll say that I fell for you
That I like you,
Would you be my love
Cuz I fell for you

Manage that facial expression, make it look natural
No need to get nervous
Pay close attention and focus
What should I do, I can't lose you.

In the end you'll also be wanting me.
You'll end up loving me
I hope so dearly for you to be like me

Don't hesitate, approach first
Say your love, don't hold back
Come on baby.

Be mine
I'll say that I like you
Cuz I fell for you

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