In the end

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NPOV- Here I was at lunch hiding in a bathroom stall. Was it my choice you may ask. Well no. No it wasn't. You see Bryce Lawrence had cornered me after fourth period and had promptly sunk his fist into my gut. After getting over the initial shock I retaliated and punched him in the nose. It wasn't hard enough to break anything but there was blood. Him and his thick headed friends chased me into the pe department. So... yeah. That leads us up to my current predicament. (whoops there goes the fourth wall)

I was slowly making my way around the lockers trying to get to the exit of the building. I could see it a few paces ahead of me when suddenly a large shadow blocked my path. Bryce Lawrence stood infront of me. His already ugly face even more disfigured with the large amount of blood that caked his nose down to his chin. "You're gonna pay for that" he startled and out of the corner of my eye i could see his "friends" bring themselves out of the shadows. Bryce brought his fist up when suddenly I heard a shout from the entrance.
"What are you doing"
It was the same boy from this morning.
Oh fuck.

Im sorry this gas taken so long and that it is so short. I have been struggling with mental health issues and I've found it hard to find the motivation to write. I plan to write more frequently but I cant make any promises. Until next time.

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