Twin Skeletons

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That was him. That was my soulmate. Should I be happy? I feel like I should, but all I feel is a growing dread in the pit of my stomach. This is one more person who could be put in danger because of me; someone who I really should be protecting from this. I know he knows that someone is hurting me. He has to, doesn't he? How could someone not connect it when, since the age of five, wounds that are not theirs have been appearing on their person almost everyday. A tear rolls down my cheek weak and splashes against the pavement, alerting me to the fact that I have stood frozen outside my door for who knows how long. Shaking, I unlock the door and prepare for the worst.

It's quiet. Unusually quiet. The lack of sound pounds on my ears like fists. I walk, cat-like, through the house, eyeing every room and eventually coming to the conclusion that for the first time in years, I am home alone. Relief floods through my system as I run to the kitchen, taking this moment to get myself some food. I open the cupboard and my heart sinks; barren shelves stare back at me. After rummaging through every cabinet and drawer I managed to find some out of date crackers and some jelly beans. It's ok, I've made do with less than this before.

With a thud my back hits the bed, my stomach somewhat more settled after I had eaten. My wanders back to Will. His sunshine yellow hair; his ocean blue eyes; the small set of freckles on his left cheek that look like the Perseus constellation and his smile. Oh god his smile makes me so warm inside when I think of it. However the warmth goes away as quickly as it came as I remember that I can never have him, unless I never want to see his smile again. I roll onto my side and begin to curl up when I spot my sketchbook sticking out from underneath my desk where I had hidden it from my father. Standing up I move over to it and pick it up, letting it fall open onto a random page. It's a drawing of a bright flower surrounded by dead petals. The corner holds my thumbprint from where I had accidentally gotten charcoal on it. The memory makes me laugh a little. I was so annoyed when I first did it but looking at it now I realise that it shows that it isn't perfect and really, that was the emotion I was trying portray. I fish out my pencils from the hiding place and set to work. 

Eventually I set them down and look at what I've drawn. It's a willow tree with its branches wrapped around a boy. You can't see his face but he still manages to look content, his posture relaxed and calm. That's what I want to feel. I want to feel safe in my life. No constant fear of pain and judgement, just protection and love wrapping me up in their arms.

I hear the front door slam open.

Hi, so I'm back! In this chapter I have a tiny showing of Nico's inner dialogue, this is going to become a larger part of the story later on. I have to stay I am very happy to be writing again. I've really missed it. I know I say this a lot but I really am going to try to update more frequently. I am going to say though that it won't be exactly consistent. I am in my GCSE year at school so I have alot of work to do for that but at any time I get I will try to work on this. Also if you want to see the drawing Nico was talking about just ask and I can try to do them and include them in the next chapter. Until next time.

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