chapter 1

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Emmet p.o.v

It was spring time my favourite season to go hunting as thats when the big grizzly bears come out from hybernation, i was out hunting with my brother jasper, we were hunting near the mountains as thats where most bears are, i was running around trying to find a grizzly bear to eat, when i smelled  a strange scent it was human but it smelt so sweet like a baby when its first born even though i dont know what that smells like.

I followed the scent till i found a pile of leaves, in the corner of my eye i saw a bundle of pink blankets, i turned and looked at the blankets curiously, strange what  was a bundle of blankets doing in the middle of the woods, i called jasper over to see if he can help, he just said someone must of dropped them.

We were about to leave when we heard a whimper, we turned and looked to see where this whimper had come from we finally looked at the bundle and noticed the blankets moving, so i tugged the blanket of the leaves and saw a small baby laid there sleeping was a baby girl, the baby was only a few days old, i put a hand on her back, she was freezing cold so i scooped her into my arms and held her close trying to keep her warm, "are you sure its safe to pick her up ? " asked jasper, i looked at him and shrugged, "we cant just leave her here to die maybe we should take her to carlisle see if he can help " i replied, jasper looked at me like i was crazy but gave in and nodded he then checked to see if there was anything else and found a small teddy and a note, he read it out loud.

Please take care of our bella shes only a few days old, her birthday is september 13th, we had no choice but to leave her we are being chased and i dont want our bella getting hurt by them.

Thank you
From charlie and renee swan

I looked at jasper wondering what to do, loads of questions filled my head, what was we gonna do ? , will the others like her ? , what if we get caught ?, i shake the questions out of my head and race back to our house.

Jasper p.o.v

I cant bellieve we found a human baby i was scared of going near her for i didnt wanna hurt her, but if she lives with us i guess i will have to get used to her being around us, we soon arrive home, everyone is in the living room talking about something that happened on the news, when they saw us walk in they smiled, but there smile soon faded when they saw bella on emmet's arms, rosalie pratically screamed her head off, esme and carlisle was looking at us confused and edward and alice looked with awe, " where did you get the baby? " said  rosalie, " we found her on her own in the woods" i replied, they all gasped at the fact that this poor human baby had been left on her own to die, "poor thing shes freezing" said esme as she took bella off emmet and carried her into the next room, we all followed behind her as we watched her lay bella down and zoom around the room at vampire speed, she soon stopped and picked bella up, esme had knitted clothes for her to wear, she carefully dressed bella not wanting to wake her.

Once she had finished with bella she handed her to me and started to talk to everyone, " we need to get things for the baby like clothes, cot etc, boys you will decorate the bedroom while us girls will go shopping" said esme, " you actually wanna keep the child ? " asked carlisle, esme just nodded and beamed at everyone, whilst everyone was running around sorting everything out for bella, i was sat on the armchair with little bella in my arms.

A few hours had passed and everything was complete, bella had not woken up which worried me as shes been asleep for ages, i looked around i think esme has gone a bit over the top as she was pratically baby proofed the entire house, i chuckled at the thought of esme being a bit too overprotective, i then felt bella stir in my arms, i looked down to see her big brown eyes looking up at me , i suddenly get this tingly feeling when our eyes meet, i start to feel protective over her like i would if she was my mate,but then that cant be shes just a baby or can she actually be my mate, she looked at me confused , i brushed a hair piece away from her face and was surprised when she didnt flinch at my cold hand, she wrapped her tiny hand around my finger and gurgles, i smile down at her, she is so adorable like a beautiful angel shes my angel, my bella.

baby bella Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin