chapter 3

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Jaspers p.o.v

It has been 2 weeks since she's said my name and even though rosalie tries so hard to get bella to say mama all she will say is jay which is cute the way she says it, I don't let anyone else call me jay only her and she only allows me to call her bells if anyone else tried calling her that she would scream and tell them off, bella is now 2 months old which makes me feel old but she's still my little baby girl.

At the moment she's spending time with rosalie and emmet which is good that they're bonding, I am currently sat on my chair reading my civil war book whilst Alice is snuggled up on my lap watching me, " I enjoy spending time with you as you have barely spent time with me since bella came along" says Alice, I look down and frown," it's not my fault she takes a liking to me" I reply a bit harshly,"for some reason I can just see the two of you together when she's older in my visions" she says looking at me, "what makes you think that you know I love you and you only" I reply but I soon regret it when I see bella in rosalie's arms with sadness in her eyes like she's about to burst out crying which she does, "she heard us didn't she" I say, Alice just nods and looks at bella,I set Alice down and walk over to bella I try taking her of rosalie but she just clings on and cries,"bells what's the matter" I ask, she doesn't answer and just glares at me whilst tears trickle down her cheeks.

Rosalie and bella leave the room as I flop onto the bed with my head in my hands, "you love her don't you" says Alice with a hint of hurt in her voice, "in what way" I reply acting dumb," don't act dumb with me jasper you love her and you know it I see the way you look at her" she shrieks, we end up having a massive argument to the point she splits up with me and throws her wedding ring out of the window, she then storms off out the house, I just sit there with my head in my hands whilst silently crying,"what's all the shouting about" says rosalie as she walks into the room still holding bella, " go away rose!" I reply harshly.

"Jay jay" say bella this catches my attention as I look up at her, she is no longer crying and has a few tear stains on her face, she sees that I'm upset and reaches out for me, I sigh sadly whilst standing up and taking her off rosalie, I then sit on the bed and burry my head in her little shoulder whilst she pats my head gently as a way to soothe me I soon calm down and look at rosalie "to answer your question Alice and I had a argument over bella" I say, "why?" She asks, " because she thinks I love bella as in loving her as a mate and keeps saying she had this damn vision of me and bella together when she's 18" I reply, " well do you love her in that way" she asks, I sighed and reply "yes I do"

baby bella Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang