Chapter 4

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Jasper's p. o. v

It has been over a month since mine and Alice's split up and I've only seen her once and that was when she came to collect her belongings claiming she was of to live with her real mate which upset me as I did love her and still do but my first priority is now my family and my little angel Bella, how time flies she will be 5 months in 2 weeks, she has started to grow her first tooth so when she bite your finger it really hurts, but other than that she's a beautiful healthy girl, she still hasn't said mama yet all she says is Jay and occasionally we have caught her saying dada, which annoyed rosalie even more because no matter how hard she tries Bella will still not say mama, don't tell rosalie this but emmett and I made a bet that mama will be her last word and not her next.

We are currently in the back garden having a picnic with Bella, she is too busy munching on a wotsit that she doesn't notice that it is snowing, it is only until a snowflake hits her tiny nose that she notices, she looks up in astonishment and admires the small snowflakes that are falling around us she squels and crawls inside not liking the snow, we grab everything and walk inside I shake my body and head to get all the snow of making Bella laugh I look at her confused and notice there is still snow on me, so I shake it off again she laughs her angelic laugh i smile at her, I go to walk into the living room before mum yells at me for treding snow into the house I explain to her how I have already shook all the snow off but she points to my clothes I look and realise there's snow all over me I here emmett's laughter to then know he had been putting more snow on me to make Bella laugh.

For the last 2 hours I have been chasing a laughing emmett around the whole house, I finally tackle him to the floor and sit on him pinning him down, "ha not laughing now are you so what shall I do with you" I say to him with a evil smirk on my face, he gulps before yelling for Bella to come and save him, Bella crawls over and smacks my arm whilst saying "NO JAY JAY!", I look at her in disbelief whilst emmett starts laughing again, "hey your suppose to be on my side he threw snow at me" I reply whilst giving her a fake sad face, she then slaps emmett on the cheek and yells " NO DADA NO MY JAY JAY!!" emmett stops laughing before bowing his head and mumbling a apology, I got off him and picked up Bella getting her ready for her nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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