chapter 2

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Rosalie p.o.v

It has been a whole month since our bella joined the family it was agreed that emmet and I were gonna adopt her and be her mum and dad, i must say bella is very intelligent for her age which is what I like about her and the fact that she is so adorable, but the thing that annoys me is that for some odd reason she seems to be very attached to jasper, ever since she arrived jasper has been very protective of her, but other than  that who could ask for a better life, bella has made our family complete.

It is early Monday afternoon and bella is having a nap after spending most of the morning playing with emmet and I, emmet and jasper is on the xbox as usual, mum is preparing a bottle of milk for bella for when she wakes up, dad is at work, Alice and Edward are hunting whilst I'm in my room looking through a fashion magazine that Alice gave me, I'm not really into fashion but to be honest I really like this magazine, I soon get distracted when I hear bella cry, I rush to her room but jasper has beaten me to it and is now holding bella in his arms,God I hate it when he does that, bella looks around and sees me standing in the doorway, she smiles her toothless smile and reaches for me, I gladly take her from jaspers arms and start to cooe  over her, " and how's my princess did you have a nice sleep" I say in my baby voice, she looks at me and squels, jasper looks at her in awe.

I make my way downstairs and sit on the sofa, mum walks over and gives me bella's bottle, "thanks mum" I say, she smiles and walks off, "is my bella hungry" I cooed she giggles and reaches for the bottle so I gently put it in her mouth and watch her drink the milk, her big brown eyes staring up at me, once she is finished i sit her up and burp her, she then looks around to see who is in the room, she catches jasper looking at her and smiles whilst reaching for him, he smirks and takes her off me, I go back to my room and carrying reading the magazine.

Jasper p.o.v

I watch as my bella looks around her eyes catches me watching and she smiles whilst reaching out for me, I smirk my usual smirk and take her off rosalie,I pull her close to my chest and looks down at her I feel her body press against mine as she snuggles into me grabbing a fistful of my shirt in her tiny hands and takes in my scent, I smile down at her and stroke her cheek making her blush and bury her head into my chest, I walk over to where emmet is, he sees bella and rubs her belly with his big hands," hello monkey" He says whilst grinning at her, she gives him a cheeky grin and reaches for him, emmet takes her off me which makes a pain in my chest erupt like a piece of me is missing.

I watch as emmet plays and laughs with my bella, she looks like she's enjoying herself as she smiles and giggles, she then looks at me and stutters "j-j-jay", my eyes widen in shock as she trys to pronounce my name, I smile and pick her up, " hey rose come here you wanna hear this" I call out, she comes downstairs and looks at me," what is it jazz" she asks, I look down at bella and whispers in her ear " say it again baby girl", she looks at me then says "j-jay", rosalie squels with excitement and takes her off me, "say mama" said rosalie, " j-jay" bella replies, "no mama" says rosalie again, but every time rosalie asked her to say mama bella said jay which made me chuckle, she ended up giving up and handed her back to me, my bella said her first word and it was my name i was so proud of her and couldn't wait to tell the others.

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