The Surgery

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Bella POV

As we pull into the hospital, my nerves go nuts. Carlisle is literally sticking a needle into my heart, and pull out venom. That is terrifying. I place a hand on my tiny belly bump, sighing. Just placing my hand where my tiny baby is, calms me immensely. 

Paul places his hand next to mine, smiling. "We're having a baby." He whispers, his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yeah, we're having a baby." I say, kissing his cheek. We get out of the car, my body shaking already. Paul wraps his arm around me and we walk in, heading towards the elevator. We get in with about 6 other people. I can smell a vampire, which makes me get very scared. 

I look up and see a female staring at me, her eyes bright red through her sunglasses. Paul grips tightly onto my waist as everyone but her leave. "Why is their a werewolf and hybrid in my town?" She asks, still facing the door.

"I am here to remove the vampire from me, and my boyfriend's tribe doesn't live in this town. This is my town, we don't need anymore leeches." She says, turning around and pinning me to a wall. Paul freaks out, but he knows he can't do anything. She looks at my neck, and next I know, she is drinking from me. Paul rips her off me as the doors open, and she rushes out. My vision gets blurry as I cover my neck in a scarf, as Paul rushes me to the on call room. No doctor or nurse pays attention to us.

When we get in, Carlisle smells the blood and grabs me from Paul, putting me on the gurney. "No venom is in her system, just blood. They were trying to change her again." he says, grabbing the empty syringe. "You're doing this while I'm awake?" I whimper, not ready. "I'm so sorry." He says, placing one hand in the middle of my chest. Paul grabs my hand and holds on tightly. 

Carlisle doesn't even bother removing my shirt. He pushes the needle into my skin,into my heart. The pain is indescribable. It's that awful. My eyes look towards my chest as I watch him pull a transparent liquid out of my body. Once he removes the needle after its full, he puts gauze over the hole. My body gives up and I pass out, my heart beat normal. 

As I wake up, I hear the machines that you normally hear in a hospital room. I feel the IV in my arm and a small breathing mask on me. I open my eyes slowly and look around. A nurse is watching over the pack. I remove the mask and smile. She walks out and leaves me and the pack. Paul hugs me, and I feel nothing. No blood lust. I am fully werewolf.

"No lust." I whisper, trying to push my fangs out. Nothing. "You're a full werewolf! You're baby is looking amazing! Only 20 weeks to go!" Carlisle says, smiling. I look at my belly and gasp. "I forgot a full grown wolf grows fast in the first 20 weeks!" I say, laughing at my forgetfulness. Paul hands me the ultrasound and I tear up. "Carlisle wrote the sex on another card. It's in your purse. We can do the reveal party like you wanted!" Paul says, kissing my cheek.

Tears flow down my face as I look at my beautiful child. "I will protect you for the rest of my life. We all will, my precious darling."


Hey guys!
So, I suck at posting I know!

But here it is!

Can someone leave me ideas for the name of the Gender reveal chapter? I don't want to name it "Gender Reveal", I want something different! 

Thank you so much!

I hope you enjoyed reading !

 XOXO , 

Sky <3

( 648 words ) 

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