Happily Ever After

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*20 years later*

Bella POV

As Paul walks Meredith down the aisle, I tear up. It's been 20 years since she was born and I cannot believe how grown she is. You may be asking, why is Paul walking her? Sam is her father. Well, 15 years ago, Sam was hit by a truck while in wolf form. He went into surgery but nothing could save him. He was brain dead.

Emily hasn't been quite the same since. She calls out his name at night and she doesn't leave the house anymore. She had one more child after Sam. She was pregnant when he died, and it almost killed the baby. His name is Sam Jr. He is 15 and stubborn. But, Emily and I did well raising him and Meredith. 

My baby Hawthorn was married at 18 to his imprint, who just happened to be Rosalie and Emmett's adoptive daughter. Hawthorn and Lorraine live in no-mans land, so both the wolves and the vampires can visit without breaking the treaty. Lorraine gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her Bridget. Their little family is so beautiful. 

Meredith is marrying Quil, a member of the pack. He imprinted on her when she was 17 and they just fell in love. I blink quickly and put my focus back on the wedding. They kiss, and Quil grabs her ass, laughing. They are so adorable. I cannot believe how beautiful they are.

I look to my side and see my youngest son, Lawrence, coloring. Paul and I only aged to 40, so I am still able to have kids. But, we stopped at Lawrence. He is 6 and the most precious little boy. 

Well, I guess our story is over. I guess this is the first story to end with a happily ever ever. 


Hey guys!

So, I wanted at least one of my stories to end with happiness and love, so I cut this story short. 

I hope you all enjoyed my short story !


Skyler <3

( 336 words )   

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