Chapter 7: Pitch Black #2

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I walk into first hour dragging myself to my seat. I'm so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open. Last night wasn't the best. My dream had my hours screwed up.

I sit and adjust my chair. I'm pretty early than all the other kids, but today I'm right before the bell rings. Wild.

The familiar bell rings and just as it does, a small knock draws attention from myself and others. Mr. Martinez walks from the podium to the door and his face some what tenses.

"Hello," he extends his arm toward the class with an open palm. "Welcome."

A tall, thin boy walks in with a shy expression. He looks at his feet with hidden nervousness as he is in front of the class. He has shaggy, thick jet black hair and small lips. I can't see his eyes, they're squared away from his hair that falls over his face and high cheek bones. He's adorable.

"Guys, this is Ashton. He's a transfer from Wards High, and new in town. It would be appreciated if you make him feel welcomed. " Mr. Martinez gives a friendly smile and tells him to sit in the empty seat to my right. When he looks up, his sparkly greenish, brown eyes make the rest of the class fade into my peripheral. So maybe he is cute. I offer a small smile and he returns one. And maybe I have a friend?

"Hi, I'm Chris. " I find no problems introducing myself to new people. Some give time to at least hear me talk.

"Well, as you know. Ashton." he reaches for a shake, and his hands are firm. Cold. We turn toward Mr. Martinez as he begins the lesson. Well, I'm in hope that I'll actually have someone to talk to.

"Hey," Ashton taps my shoulder as we walk down the hall. "Do you know where Ms. Hart's room is?" His hazels are nomatic. "Sure, I'm going that way actually. It's my second hour as well."

I guide him to our second hour. I help introduce him to the teacher. She has a lovely smile and welcoming enough to get one out of him. His smile is something that I'll never forget, like Mothers.

Turns out we have fourth, fifth, and sixth hour together. I have advanced History and Science so we have separate hours for them. I enjoy his company though, I actually look forward to tomorrow.

I practically sprint to Father's vehicle on the opposite side of the street.

"Hey, what did Mrs. Pikes say? Or did she?" Father asks. I shake my head.

"We have a new kid!" I blurt. "His names Ashton, and he's super tall and super nice and one of the only people who talks to me besides teachers and-" Fathers hand goes up. I immediately shut down. His face twitches, "Chris, that's great! Now breathe." I smile. He smiles too, and I realize that's the first time he's listened to me just ramble. Just like he used to.

I finish explaining to him Ashton and he responds frequently. It's relaxing to talk to him. Although Father has been sober and a dad for a while now, it still feels like something's off about him and how he's treating me. Its weird but also amazing. I've longed for him to come back to me and my wish came true.

I help Father make dinner, lasagna. We eat it with garlic toast and carrots. You guessed it, Thursday. One more day until the weekend. It would be her weekend, but I have been trying my hardest to not think about her and see the glass half full, not half empty.

I miss her so much, I often lose myself in tears and grief. I used to be the same with Mother until I finally came to the terms she is no longer suffering. But it hurts so bad that I feel a lump in my throat that I can never swallow. Only if I was an hour earlier...

I get out the scolding water and lay in my clean sheets. They wrap me in comfort and security as I sink into my thoughts.

My thoughts overwhelm my head with nausea creating a whirlwind inside my mind. They travel faster than I can process making a migraine. My head throbs and eventually I drift into a trance.


"Hey, Chris," Tristan whisper shouts from the door way.

"Yeah?" I answer half asleep.

"Come here."

I pull the quilt off my sleeping body and walk to Tristan rubbing my eyes.

"Hey," I whisper. "What's up?"

"Look." I glance over his shoulder and Ashton is at the end of the hallway. He beckons me over and I walk like a mummy his way. I'm floating, no longer touching hard wood floor. I'm gaining unbearable speed and the opening stretches for miles. He's running to me as I fly to him.

What is this? I question as I seem to be going no where. It keeps happening and then all at once, the roof caves in. I'm burried in heavy debris as dust from the ruckus poisons my lungs as I try inhaling. My lungs feel like they're corupting and my conscience is barely hanging in there. Ashton stands infront of me with the same grimance Father had when he burnt my hands. He has a belt strap around his knuckles making them appear blotchy. I turn my head as he swings and shut my eyes so tight my face stings. I open my eyes and he's gone.


My beeping alarm awakes me from my dream. Or nightmare.

I pull on a blue frilly dress that flows to my mid-calf. I still can't believe Mother was this small, but I assume I would be too if I had little muscle and fat left to even function.

She was so beautiful when she would put her dresses on and she would twirl and spin like she was a child. I would laugh and clap at her performance and try mimicing her while Father judged, and she would always win. Then she would fall into Father's lap and he would passionately kiss her until neither could breathe. It was like a romance movie live. He loved her more than himself, and when she took her last breath, he took his too.

I imagine being as beautiful as she was while I dance in her inch heels and sway like I'm a ballerina. Father's brief knocking makes my vibe wind down. I grab my bag and replace her wedges with my black slippers. I open the door and Father is already down stairs.

I feel today's going to be amazing. Father has been so caring and affectionate these few weeks that Grandmother has been gone, that I know he's up to something. But I'm smelling the roses as long as I can before they are cut and lose scent.

I spot Ashton right as we pull up in front of the school. I'm so eager to be accompanied by him that the feeling tastes like berries.

I reach for the handle, but Father places his hand on my shoulder. I look at him and he opens his mouth before I question.

" Have a good day today Christina and remember kiddo, it'll all be over sooner than you anticipate. I love you so much, just don't forget it. We'll reunite again sometime, don't sweat it." And with that, he kisses my forehead. I wrap my arms around him, taking him by suprise. I don't want to let him go but I also don't want to be late.

I let go and whisper," I love you too, dad,"

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