Chapter 10: Let's Run

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He extends an arm and looks down at me. "Come with me, Chris."

I look up into his mischievous eyes. I don't want to be here alone, but I know he's up to something. I clutch his palm.

We walk down a dark hall, darker than the rest. The lights dance across the vibrant paint that covers the walls. It makes me dizzy staring at all the neon variety.

"Where are we going?" I ask dry. My throat feels like its being scratched.

"Shhh.. " he says cold, solid.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

We walk into a secluded room, it's quiet but I feel other people in here. Ashtons body heat it the only warmth in this area, and by the low voices in the room I know its bigger in the light.

Dim green and blue lights are the only way to see where we step. It smells like skunk spray everywhere and the smell of heavy alcohol. Its danky flooring and radged ceiling gives me chills. I feel like I'm being stolen. Or maybe its just the bad vibes and Ashtons sudden change making me feel this way. I can't decide.

"Yeah, I got her." I hear Ashtons voice carry through the smokey air.

"Her name?" I hear a familiar voice. I can't detect who it is. But its full and heavy.

"Christina." Ashton responds.

"Christin- wait, how old is she again?"

"Fourteen." Ashton is impatient, I can tell by his voice.

"Bring her in here."

"Are you sure? I don't want-"


Ashton steps back out and grabs my arm. I feel sluggish as I'm dragged into a secluded area.

"Flip that switch, Ret," that dense voice says low.

I remember it right before he touches the light.

"Christina?" Tristans eyes are itinerate as he tries to figure me out. My head is spinning. His face doesn't register with my surrounding.

"Everyone out." Tristan demands. All the boys in this room evacuate expect Ashton.

"I said everyone," Tristan locks eyes with him and clenches his jaw as I can tell he's biting his tongue.

"I brought her," he rejects.

"Get the hell out." he says every word slow and dark. I flinch as Ashton snatches his hand off my arm and storms away.

I stand with blurry vision and muffled hearing. Tristan stares at me with incisive eyes.

"Come sit." he beckonds me over.

I saunter my way over to him. He watchs me as I slowly walk. It's kind of awkward.

"Why are you here?" he asks with hidden care. But I can hear it through his disguised shell.

"I don't.." I start.

He sighs deeply into his palms then rubs his forehead.

"You can't be here. Its not a place for a young, beautiful, and smart girl like you to be. I don't want you caught up, and involved in all this... I'm taking you-" a heavy knock interrupts him and he practically growls as he gets up.

"What?" he yells.

"They're here man, we have to go." worry is all I swallow as the worst comes to mind.

He opens the door. "Who, Jace?"


"We're out. I don't have one." he demands in a stern tone that I can only relate to... Fathers.

"Christina, you're coming with me." he looks back at me, taking my day dream away. I feel my head and body coming back. But my thoughts are lost.

He yells something through his hands and runs his fingers through his combed back hair.

"We're out." he grabs my arm and pulls me out the door way.

We surge through the hallway that is still dark. I notice there is more people now, like everyone came back. The music's louder. The aroma of everything is stronger.

I start feeling light headed as we go up the stairs and through the house. Theres a lot of people, meaning guys surrounding us. Ashton is here too.

My head throbs as I try thinking what's going on. Rain drizzles into my hair as we walk outside.

"We split." Ret, I assume, Jace, and I can't tell who else follows us as we walk though the wooden backyard. Tristan has let me go. But I feel another hand slip under my arm.

"I'm sorry this happened Christina," its Ashton. I want to push him away, but I have no clue where we are or where we are going.

"I'm sorry too."

He lets go as if reading my mind and I find myself holding onto some other guy. I'm lost and tired, scared and worried, and just want to find a place for home. I can't go back to Father.

There's vehicles a head of us, and I hear Tristans voice," I'm taking her."

I climb into a van and sit in the back next to some guy I've never seen. He looks older than Tristan.

Tristan gets in the driver seat as a couple more get in.

"Tris?" I ask. "Where are you taking me?"

He inhales deeply. He rubs the grip on the wheel then exhales. "You're just coming with me, don't ask."

I sit back and stay quiet. But that guy next to me keeps staring at me like I'm prey. I try to scoot closer to the door.

"Why didn't you do it?" he asks Tristan. "She's perfect."

"Goddammit Trey, stop." Tristan yells.

"We're dead, Tristan. Do you not understand it? There's no second chance. There's not going to be a,' Maybe next time.' There is no next time." he gets louder and louder as he talks. It makes my bones ache.

Tristan slams on the brakes. "If you want to pull that stupid shit that I already know right now, then you can get the hell out. And never come back."

Trey sits back as well and swallows hard. He looks out the window and picks at his thumb. Tristan starts again.


"Chris, wake up." Tristan whispers. He shakes my leg.

"Wha-what?" I pull off my fist and wipe my cheek. I look up into his stressed eyes and he says," We're here." he gives me a small smile. I stretch and look around to see where we are and if anyone's came as well. Nothing.

I climb out the seat and stand, staggering as I try maintaining balance. Then my stomach turns. And I feel blood rush to my head as I bend over and puke whatever was given to me right next to the vans wheel. My throat hurts and feels dry.

Tristan pulls my hair out of my face and I lean against the door. I try catching my breath as only stomach acid comes out, making me feel queasy.

I spit clumpy residue out thats left under my tongue and wipe my my mouth as Tristan holds me up right and I lean into him.

"Let's get you cleaned up and to sleep kiddo," he says with sympathy as he walks me up to a quiet place.

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