23: The Lake

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It's about a time long ago

A little lake was nestled under the snow

It was believed to be a mystery

not written in official history

Drop a penny or a dime

And you'll get that about which you cannot lie

Wish you may about something else

it gives you what you truly deserve deep within

Careful in trying

see what's in your heart

before you try to judge others

Truly understand who you are

"Know thyself and know it complete

you don't want to be surprised of what lands at your feet"

this is the legend that goes with the lake

so if you don't understand yourself, how will you understand your fate?

its important to realise the creation that is You

it seems impossible that your mind will be able to delude you

You, him, her and them

But if you stop and see, it will not pretend

'Cause being true to oneself helps in the discovery

that you may be the King or Queen, you just had to look and see

The lake is filled with wisdom that goes deep

wishes made in haste might land you in a miserable heap

so know who you are and who you want to be

Because you don't want to drown in the lake of unrealistic dreams.


A/N: To the Man (boy/girl/woman etc) In The Mirror...

<3 @DawnWesson

26 Letters(Book 1 in The Numero Lexicon)  #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now