Chapter One

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Tris's POV

It's over, it's finally over and I am finding peace but the nightmares still haunt me. I have Tobias though, and when I'm with him I feel safe, like nothing can ever harm me when he's with me. I also have my friends, Christina being my best friend. There are the girls, Christina, Shauna, Marlene, Tobias's sister Katie, Ciara, Dominique and Iris and of course the boys, Tobias, Will, Uriah, Zeke, Theo and Peter. My brother Caleb is moving to dauntless to be 'closer to me' so he is also part of our group. Erudite just invented a new device called a 'mobile phone' it lets you talk to people without having to be face to face! I find it amazing because now I just text or call Tobias or the girls whenever I'm bored so I'm loving Erudite right now.

I'm texting Christina about Zeke's party tonight because I need a dress idea and I know I'm going to regret it but she means well. After she text back saying she'll be over in five minutes I decide to have a little me time and read a book that I've been wanting to read for a while, it's called 'Harry Potter' and I have to say this Harry guy sounds like a right hero. When Christina arrives all I'm going to say is it involved five hours of unnecessary preparation. The girls leave because I said I didn't want to go early so I decided to write in my diary I got from Christina.

Dear Diary,

Christina really likes to perfect things, five hours of siting in a chair and trying like one million dresses on gets a little tiring I'll admit. I'm just glad she didn't drag me shopping! I'm going to one of Zeke's parties tonight and I guess I'm looking ford to it but to be honest (CANDOR) with you I sort of just want to sit on the couch with my comfortable blanket and read my book but Tobias wants to go with me so I agreed. Well I'm already late so tall later diary.


When I arrive Katie is the one to open the door for me.

"Hey girl! Everyone, Tris is here!" She yells.

"Finally!" Zeke complains, I laugh. I say hi to Katie and walk in to living room behind her. I don't know what comes over me but when I see Tobias I run and jump into his arms. I know it's weird but I haven't seen him all day and I just missed him.

"Hey love" he says into my hair.

"Hey, I'm sorry I just missed you that's all." I reply smiling into his beautiful blue eyes.

"You don't have to apologise, you have no idea how much I missed you today."


"Of course, I love you."

"I love you more." I smile and lightly kiss him.

"Ok lovebirds! Enough kissy kissy stuff and lets play!" Uriah shouts.

We all sit in a circle and Zeke explains the rules to a game called 'Candor or Dauntless'. Basically he made the game up himself a long time ago and wanted to introduce it to us, we each take a turn asking each other 'Candor or Dauntless' and then whatever they choose we give them something to do that's out of their comfort zone or ask them a question and if you don't do it you have to take of a piece of clothing.

I sit nervously next to Tobias and squeeze his hand letting him know that I am getting a little anxious. He gets my message and whispers in my ear

"I won't make them do anything you don't want to do." I smile at his sweetness and face everyone.

"Ok my house, I go first!" Zeke yells.

"Uriah, candor or dauntless?"

"Dauntless obviously!" He reply's excitedly.

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