Chapter 3

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(Dominique's POV)

I walk hand in hand with Caleb as we enter Dauntless together. Caleb and I met in Erudite whilst we were there and I am so glad I did because he is the sweetest boyfriend ever! He treats me so well, calls me beautiful (his nickname for me is princess), takes me on really nice dates, buys me little gifs when I least expect them, he respects the fact that sometimes I need my own space and not to mention that he gets on really well with my parents and he trust me like I trust him. Anyway we were walking through the halls to get to the dining hall also known as the 'pit', I'm going to have to learn dauntless terminology. Truth is I'm really excited to be in Dauntless and not have to worry about factions and stuff, but I'm so nervous to meet my boyfriend's sister,  no, scratch that I'm terrified to meet her! I mean she was the one who saved us all and I'm dating her brother, I mean what if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm not good enough for Caleb?

"Princess, want's wrong? Are you nervous?" Caleb suddenly speaks up, causing me to jump.

"Oh, sorry Dom love, didn't mean to startle you." he says, sweetly kissing my cheek lightly.

"No, it's alright I just um," I try to say it, I do, but no words form. I tell myself that I need to be dauntless now, I will be dauntless, and I am dauntless! But then Caleb looks at me with his beautiful green eyes with concern and love and I just can't help it. "

"Oh Caleb, I'm so nervous to meet your sister, I really am." I say with my eyes suddenly stinging of the tiny tears that threat to leave them. He doesn't say anything, he just hugs me tightly and lifts my chin up to look at him.

"Princess, don't be nervous, Tris will love you. I promise." He says sweetly, this is why I love Caleb, he's so caring.

"Please Dom, believe me sweetheart." He adds, I smile.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Of course love, she will adore you as I adore you."

"No Caleb, I mean promise?"

"Promise what love?"

"Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll never leave me?" I ask. Yes, I know it's sappy but when we are alone I do tell him I love him, I kiss him and hug him and whatnot
, he does the same, but when we are in public we keep our relationship on the down low. He puts a strand of loose hair behind my ear and kisses me lightly, I smile.

"Never princess, never." I smile and kiss him quickly and then we head into the 'pit' where everyone is waiting for our arrival.

(Ciara's POV) 

I'm so excited! I am so happy I can finally be a dauntless member! I walk through the doors that lead to the 'pit' to find my cousin Tobias, I haven't seen him since I was five and he was nine. I look around the large area which is covered with dauntless people, then I see him.

"Tobias!" I yell, he can't hear me though, mean who can? I decide to wait until I got to them. I tap on his shoulder and he turns around and smiles widely.

"Hazel Grace!" he yells, oh my god, he still remembers that?

"Hi! You remember that?"  I happily say.

"Of course cous, I missed you, like a lot!"

"I missed you too."

"Oh, this is my girlfriend Tris." He says casually, what!

"Wait, your dating, Tris Prior? The hero, my idol even though I've never met her? You're the one who gets to hold her hand and... kiss her?" I say, shocked that my cousin could score such win in the lady department.

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