Chapter 1: Coming Back Home

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Wendy always told me I was welcome anytime. I hope I'm still welcome after five years. I've talked to her every once in a while. Last time I talked to her Foster just turned 4, that was 5 months ago. She was always like a mother to me when I lived next door to her. I never told her why I would come over so often. I probably should sit down with her and William about that.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts as the cab stop in front of my old house. I haven't been here for 5 years. Seeing it brings back memories. I pay the cabbie and get out and go next door. I use my key that Wendy gave me before my family left to open the door to her house. Play this cool Acantha.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell once I'm in the house. I always did that when I came over so, why not do it now? "AH! MY BABY IS HOME!" I hear being screamed from upstairs. Wendy comes running down the stairs and straight to me. She wrapped her arms around me and started swaying back and forth.

"Oh, my baby. Oh, she's here. Oh, I missed you so much, baby. It's been too long baby." She kept saying those over and over, to the point we were both in tears. She really is like a mom for me and right now she's the only one I got.

"Is dad home to mom? I really need to talk to you guys." I ask her. She releases me a little bit and looks at my face and immediately knows something is wrong. "Yeah honey, we were just putting Foster to bed. I'll go get him, why don't you go make all of us some hot cocoa? Everything's the same. We'll be down in a little bit honey." She lets go and heads upstairs.

I go into the kitchen and look around, it really is the same. I go to the cabinet and grab three coffee mugs and set them on the island. Then start making the hot cocoa.

I hear someone walk into the kitchen just as the hot cocoa is finished. "Great timing mom, hot cocoa is ready," I say as I turn around. But it's not Wendy or William, its Alex.

Alex Prince, my childhood sweetheart. Until he decided not to be.

"Oh, hi Alex. What's up?" I ask him. He just stares at me. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Alex? You okay?" I asked tilting my head a little bit. Again, he just stares at me. Wendy and William enter the kitchen and then Alex snaps out of whatever he was caught up in. "Um, nice to see you again Acantha. It's been a while." Alex says then leaves the kitchen.

"Okay, so I have no idea what happened but I'm happy you're home sweetheart." William says while walking towards me to hug me. I hug him back, relaxing against him for a few seconds since it's been awhile I had a proper fatherly figure. Then I stiffen remembering why I needed to talk to them. I pull away from William and hand them both a hot cocoa.

"How about we go outside, I don't want anyone overhearing this just yet." I tell them. They nod and we head into the backyard. I sit down in the grass and take a deep breath. This is it, I won't have this only on my shoulders anymore. I'll have people to talk to about this now. Why does that just make me more nervous?

"Honey, what's going on? You're starting to scare us, just talk to us, sweetheart." Wendy says sitting next to me.

"Well, there's actually a couple things, one about my parents and one about me. Which one do you want to hear first?" I ask her looking into the distance. I couldn't muster up the courage to look at either one in the face. I was so ashamed.

"How about you first hon, obviously it's gotten you really shaken up."

"William, you have to promise that you won't freak out, and you both have to swear not to tell a soul, my parents didn't even know. But you can't freak out." I needed this from them, if someone else knows, it'll be so embarrassing.

Wendy puts a hand on my knee and makes me look at her. "We both love you Acantha, you've always been like a daughter to us, but you're scaring us, what's going on?" I squeezed her hand that is on my knee. "I just need you guys to promise to sit here and listen to everything before saying anything or doing anything." I looked at William. "Especially you William, what I'm about to tell you, you'll want blood for it." William nodded. "I promise to listen the entire time." I take a deep breath. This is it.

"I was..."


858 words.

I hoped you guys liked the first chapter. If there are any mistakes please feel free to let me know in the comments.

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Have a great day you guys. :) 

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