Chapter 4: Re-meeting Everyone: Part 2

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After a while, I wake up still cuddled up to Wendy. I look at the clock and see its now 4 in the afternoon.

"Hey, sleepyhead. How about we go downstairs and get some food, yeah?" Wendy asks me noticing I'm awake. I just nod. I don't really want to talk right now. We get up then head downstairs to the kitchen. We stop short when we hear people talking.

"Well, you can't really expect me to be okay with this." I think Alex said that. "Well you need to swop being a meanie, I like her. She's staying with us." Now that I am sure was Foster. "I don't care if you like her Foster, she needs to leave." Alex continues. How can he really be like this? "I don't care about your crap Alex. Foster is right, she's staying. Your mother and I have told you that she's staying so, she. is. staying. Understood? She just lost her parents, she shouldn't have to be harassed by you." William told Alex. Wendy couldn't stand there any longer, she walked in acted like she didn't hear anything. I followed her in. "Aca! UP!" Foster yelled at me lifting his arms. I instantly felt better. Smiling at Foster I lifted him up and carried him over to the fridge.

Wendy had grabbed two smoothie baggies out of the fridge and started making us smoothies. Once she was done with the first one she gave it to me. I took a drink then got an idea. I put Foster down beside me. "Wendy these are delicious. Too bad I'm going to waste it." I started to walk over to Alex and then dumped the smoothie on Alex's head. "I don't care if you're okay with me or not I'm living here and you're going to have to deal with that. So suck it up and deal with it. Stop being such a dick. If I do recall correctly, YOU were the reason I left with us on bad terms, so fuck off asshole." I went back and picked up Foster. "How about we go outside and hang out there for a bit, yeah?"

"Yeah! We can go play in the pool! And-And I can show you my shark!" He starts to try to move up and down in my arms. I set him on the floor and he ran off, "I'm gonna borrow one of your suits, that okay Wendy?" I look back at her. She's trying to hide that she's laughing and she nods to me. "They're in the closet you should be able to find them quickly. Have fun and I'll bring out towels soon for you two." I nod back to her and go upstairs to change.

Once I'm upstairs I walk into her closet and saw where her suits were. And all she had were bikinis. Damn. I guess they'll have to find out anyways. I quickly change into a black bikini. I instantly fall in love with it. I throw over a white cover-up over the swimsuit and head to the pool. Foster is already at the side of the pool waiting for me with his "shark." In reality, it's just a blow-up shark that has handles to hang onto while you sit on its back.

"Can you help me in. Mommy won't let me swim unless I'm on the shark's back." Foster says once he sees I'm out here. "Sure sweetheart." I grab his hand and go to the little stairs that are on the other end of the pool. I put the shark in the water and then put him on it. I go to the chairs that are off to the side and put the cover up on one of the chairs. Then I go back to the stairs and go into the pool. "Okay Foster lets play."

-------------------------------------------------- two hours later --------------------------------------------------

I picked Foster off of the shark and was holding Foster in my arms while still in the pool. I float on my back with Foster straddling my stomach. He starts tracing the outline of the bottom of the bikini top. "I like this, its soft." He says. After he stops Wendy and the others come out. I stay on my back but I look at everyone.

"Come on guys time to get out," Wendy tells us holding towels. I sit up but Foster wraps himself around me. "But I don't wanna. We're having so much fun, mommy." Foster gives her puppy eyes as I swim to the edge with him still clinging on me. William picks him up once I reach the edge of the pool. Once Foster is out I start getting up. Wendy hands me a towel. I start drying my hair off as everyone goes quiet. I look around and notice everyone staring at me. Then I realize why. They're staring at my scar. One of many.

"You know you can ask right, it's not like its a secret. I've got more if you want to see." I tell them like I don't care that they're staring. "Sweetheart, why didn't you tell us what happened last night? Wha-What, I can't-what the hell did happen?" I looked at the ground and rubbed my neck. I looked back at Wendy and said, "Um, I kind of already told you guys last night." After that, I knew William was pissed. He handed Foster over to Alex and walked back inside.

"I should probably go after him, but we'll talk later Acantha." She points at me as she walks away. I wrap the towel around me and go to grab Foster from Alex. Alex hands him over with no problem. I start walking inside. Halfway there I turn around and look at everyone, "Are you guys just going to stare at me or are you going to introduce yourselves to me inside?"

Once inside we all sat down in the living room. "We'll wait for Wendy and William then I'll explain. But as of right now, introductions would be greatly appreciated." 


1010 Words

Hope you enjoyed it. I know its been a while since I've updated, things have been going on. Sorry about that.

Again, if you think I can improve or got any ideas for this story, feel free to say so in the comments or messege me.

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