Chapter 2: Coming Clean

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"I was raped by an old boyfriend." I paused looking at their reactions. Immediately I grab onto William's arm, I need to make sure he doesn't do anything. I needed him to hear this, all of it. "Before you do anything, remember you promised, you promised to listen to it all. Trust me, it gets worst, but it also gets better. I swear." I could tell William was holding back, he was breathing heavy, I knew he was pissed off. Like, I want to rip someone's head off kind of pissed off. Wendy was already tearing up. I had to look away or else I would be crying too.

"We had been dating for a year and he was starting to get upset because I wouldn't have sex with him, so he went to another girl and had sex with her. He told me and then said he loved me. I broke up with him and then he put the blame on me because I wouldn't give him what he "needed" because "men" need a sexual release. And for me to not give that to him is mean and not being a "good girlfriend" to him. I paused and took a deep breath. "He was captain of the football team, all of his friends sided with him and he was telling everyone that he broke up with me because I'm a prude. Two weeks later I go to a party to relax a little bit. I had only taken a sip of my drink when I started to feel dizzy so I called my parents. I left a voice message since they didn't answer and started to walk to the front yard so I could call a cab. When I turned around, there he was, with the football team, or well, most of the football team. He grabbed me and dragged me upstairs with the football team following. I tried to make some kind of noise but he covered my mouth. I kept struggling, I kept trying to kick him or one of the other guys. I didn't even make him pause, he just continued walking until he got to the farthest room from the party." I paused again, starting to tear up. I cleared my throat and looked up at the stars. "He and the football team raped me and recorded everything, it eventually got all over the school and I was expelled. My parent's colleagues found the video but didn't tell my parents about it and got the school to expel the boys and they went to jail." I finish as a tear slides down my cheek. Next thing I know I'm sobbing into William's chest while he's squeezing the life out of me. As if I'm just going to disappear. Wendy ends up joining us in our crying filled hug.

After a few minutes, Wendy pulls away. She wipes her eyes. "Well, I think we've had a very emotional time, and it would be best if we all got some sleep. Sweetheart we still got the king bed, we got to the room if you want it." She asks looking at me. It's something I would do when I was younger and one of my parents and I had a fight. I would climb in their bed and just stay there till one of them laid down with me. We would just lay for hours before talking for more hours. It was our thing. I look at her and smile even though I'm still crying. "I would love that." I tell her.

William puts me under his arm as we start walking into the house. It's obvious that you can tell all of us have been crying. When we get to the kitchen is when we're surprised. Everyone but Foster is awake and staring at us. I hide in William's chest, not ready for them to see me weak too.

"Alright boys, everyone except Daniel and Edward should remember Acantha. She'll be staying with a for a while now if you'll excuse us, the three of us are going to bed. Excuse me." He pushed past everyone and grabs my bags that are still by the door and him and I head upstairs.

"Alright boys, you heard your father, I know it's early, but bedtime, for everyone, we'll have a family meeting in the morning, 10 am." Wendy claps her hands and follows the boys walking upstairs behind William and me.

Once William, Wendy and I are in their room we get ready for bed. Me in their bathroom and them in the bedroom. Once we're ready for bed they're already lying down on opposite sides of the bed, already knowing what I need. I run and jump on the bed with my arms out by my sides like I'm flying. We all laugh, again, something I used to do all the time. I lay on my back and breath out a sigh. For once I feel like I can finally relax after so long. Wendy and William both face me with mischievous smiles. Once I realize what they're going to do I try to get away, but I'm too late. They're already squishing me between the both of them. Automatically I lose my breath. I automatically tap their arms that are over me and they release a little bit but not totally. I loved it when they did this. They would cuddle with each other like I wasn't between them but they were also cuddling with me. My parents never did anything like this. When they were alive they were always at work.

"I have one more thing to tell you guys. Technically two but they're both about my parents." I said looking at them. They both nod at me. "I'm going to just say it really quickly, then give you guys time to process. Okay?" I look at them one more time and take a deep breath. "My parents were in the FBI and I said "were" because now they're dead and you guys were listed at my godparents in both of their wills." I close my eyes as I finish waiting for the tears from Wendy and William. They both squeeze me harder for a few seconds.

Wendy put her face right next to mine. "We'll talk more in the morning, we all need our sleep." And after that, we all went to sleep in anticipation of seeing everyone after 5 years.


1111 words.

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