Chapter 7

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3 weeks later 

"Anna. Anna wake up!" My eyes flutter open and I come to my senses. My eyes open fully and I see Brittany standing in front of me.

"Britt?" I say, confused. She grabs my legs and puts them down on the ground, making me to sit up. "What the crap?"

"Get dressed. You're going to therapy," Brittany says. I shake my head side to side. "What? You're not telling me no, Anna. It's been helping you, I know it has been."

"I don't wanna go. Please don't make me!" I cried and begged. Brittany hesitated for a moment but shook her head side to side. She grabs my hands and picks me up. I go to sit back down but she stops me and drags me to my room. She sets me on the bed and I fall back.

"Anna, sit up!" Brittany sternly said. I get up on my forearms and look at her. She puts a pair of jeans on the bed and goes back to the closest.

"Brittany, I shouldn't go. Not today," I whisper. She turns and looks at me then goes back searching for a shirt.

"Why's that?" She pauses and pulls out a shirt, then puts it back in. "It's helping you though. So you're going."

"I have a bad feeling though, Britt," I mumble. Brittany turns around and puts a shirt down on the bed. I sigh and get up. I change as Brittany sits on the bed playing on her phone. I turn back around and look at her. "Happy?" Brittany looks up from her phone and nods her head yes and adds a smile. I shake my head from side to side. I walk out of my room to the front door. Knowingly Brittany follows with her heels clicking every step she made. I slip my converse on and make sure to grab my keys. I walk out and let Brittany lead the way. We get to her car and slip on in. She starts to drive and I look out the window.

We arrive at the therapy place and I hesitate to get out. I go to open the door when Brittany grabs my arm. I turn my head and meet her eyes. "Do you want me to pick you up today?" She questions searching my eyes. I bite my lip and nod my head yes. "Okay. I'll be here when your session ends. If it ends early text me." I nod and get out. I walk up to the door and walk on in. I sit down and look around at everyone. The session leader sits down and starts the session. I sit there and listen to everyone.

"Okay, I think that'll be all for today," the session leader says. We all stand up and begin to leave when I hear, "Anna, will you stay after?" I stop in my tracks and turn around. I walk to the session leader and put my hands in my back pocket. "How you doing?"

"Great," I tell her. She nods and looks at her clipboard.

"Brittany tells me the sessions are helping you?" She says almost in a question form. I nod my head up and down. "Are they helping? Even though you're not talking during group." I nod my head yes.

"Yeah, I like more listening then talking," I respond. She nods and smiles. "Can I go now?" She nods her head and I walk out. I pull out my phone and go to text Brittany when I hear a scream. I raise an eyebrow and put my phone in my back pocket. I walk towards an alley way. I bite my lip and stop in my tracks looking down the narrow way. I look left to right and then look in the alley. I slowly make my way and see no one. Suddenly headlights pour on me. I look at them and freeze. They come racing towards me. I shut my eyes and feel my body moved.

I open my eyes and see a person in all black. They help me up and they pull something out of their pocket. My eyes widen and I stare at them. "P-please," I begged. Soon I heard the triggered pulled.

Will You Marry Me //Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow//Where stories live. Discover now