Basta prison and a breakout

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Serena's pov
   We got to Dalmary. Diane went off by herself to look for a doctor. She didn't get . Much information. Elizabeth found a doctor while Diane went to Basta prison. I was going to go to but she told me to stay and watch over the captain and the princess. I sadly nodded and used my magic to make my ears and tail disappear. I was in front of Elizabeth at the time so she was a bit shocked but her worry over the captain helped her overcome her shock. Later when the bugs had been squashed by Diane the doctor came and asked how the captain was doing. That's when the doctor revealed he poisoned the captain instead. We heard another voice in the room saying "well done doctor. Now I believe it's time I took the princess". There was no way I was going to let that happen do when the holy knights showed himself I attacked. My wolf ears and tail where showing now. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the eight deadly sin of shyness. Serena the wolf sin" the knights said knocking me to the ground where I couldn't stand because of the pain coursing through my body. He tried to take the captain's sword but the captain got up and he was perfectly fine. After dealing with the holy Knight we where  on our way to meet up with Diane at Basta when all of a sudden there was this huge crash in front of us. But it turned out to just be Diane. But there was something off about her. We finally got her to respond. She seemed confused. The next thing we know is she can't see us and thinks that the captain is some holy knight. I ran off with the princess and Hawk, so I could protect Elizabeth. The captain joined us a little later. We saved two shepherds. The next thing we know is that the captain is under the same spell as Diane. Making him see Diane as the same holy knight she's seeing. I try to stop them just to end up seeing the knight myself. He called himself Ruin. I instantly knew he wasn't really there. So I just stood there not doing anything. I would never attack my friends. I heard Elizabeth cry out in pain a little while later. I knew someone was hurting her. It made me mad I couldn't help my friend. Just then whatever spell that was on me was released. I instantly turned myself into a giant wolf and headed for Elizabeth do I could help her. I was a bit late to do that though. Diane and the captain beat me to it. I turned back scaring the pig. Diane asked me to help put Elizabeth in her backpack. I was confused, I mean shouldn't Elizabeth rest. Then Diane explained it to me. I nodded and helped put Elizabeth in the pack. Then me, Diane and Hawk went to catch up with the captain. When we got there we explained to the captain where the doctor's daughter was at. We found her and put her in the pack with Elizabeth. Just then I heard his footsteps. I turned around excited to see him again. There he was. Ban, my best friend and crush. "Captain" Ban says sounding upset when he's not. The captain responds and they start doing their wierd version of patty-cake , then they hit each other through the walls, and then they start arm wrestling. I was cheering for Ban.  They prison breaks apart and we're falling. But Ban and the captain are still arm wrestling. After that We put Elizabeth in the Boar hat. Of course she's no longer in our room but in the captain's room. I found out why when I see Ban come in the room I shared with Elizabeth. I run up to him and say hi to him. "Hey Ban. It's been too long hasn't it. Your not gonna drink and make me clean up your mess are you" I tease him. He grins and say to me " hey Wolfie. It has been too long. And I'm not gonna do that tonight. I'm just gonna sleep". He says all that and collapses on the bed Elizabeth had been sleeping on. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I went over to the window seat I had been sleeping on. And then I fell asleep feeling better now that we had Ban back with us. The next night we had a party at the doctor's place,even though I was still creeped out how he survived that wound. I saw Ban in a new outfit and blushed a little. But that was quickly overcome by laughter seeing Ban freaked out by Hawk. He got drunk and started harassing poor Hawk.  After the party I helped Ban to the room we now shared. Ban fell asleep instantly. I was walking away when Ban sleepy grabbed me and made me lie with him in the same bed. I was a blushing mess. He wouldn't let go so I gave up and fell asleep to his heartbeat. 

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