Chapter 6

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AN: Ok sorry for taking so long I got really busy and had 4 funerals to go to... Oh and right now I am writing this from my grandmas house in Colorado...
song: Ballad of Mona Lisa
By: Panic At the Disco ok back to the story!

Blaze's P.O.V
I walked into Corals room because I had to tell her how I felt even though I was from another pack. When I walked in I saw her kissing this ugly grotesque black haired boy! I shoved him of her and slammed him in the jaw. He got back up and tried to swing at me but he was to slow. I grabbed his hand and flipped him over.

Corals P.O.V
When Blaze walked in my stomach did a flip...
"Wait I thought Sebastian was our mate!!" yelled my wolf
"No no no... I can't have two mates" I screamed. Then both boys just stood there and looked at me. 'Oh crap I said that out loud!' 'Not my fault' said my wolf.
€Next Morning€

I woke up and true to get out of bed. I rolled one way and there was a wall...'WTF' said Nala(my wolf) I rolled the other way and there was a wall! "WTF" I whispered to myself. Oh god Sebastian and Blaze are both in my bed!
"We heard that!" they said in unison
"Why are you both in my bed!" I yelled
"Whoa whoa whoa... ok first explain who the fuck he is?" said Sebastian
"I am her Mate!" stated Blaze
"Ummm no your not I am!" challenged Sebastian
"Shut Up! Both of you!" I yelled "I don't know which one of you is my mate... but I know it's not both of you! So can we please stop fighting and let a girl who has to Peeeeee go to the bathroom!" I said
"Oh yeah srry!" they said

I got up and noticed I was only in pajama shorts and a sports bra. I ran straight to the bathroom and heard laughing. Uggh Men!!!! I did my business and went to my closet and got black skinny jeans, converse and a Panic at the Disco t shirt. 'Yes I like those type of bands got a problem?'
'Stop talking to your self! aren't you hungry!!' said Nala
When I got down I saw a huge group of people... they were my Pack... why are they here?

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